design process

Architecture with Reused Objects. Technological Reused and Transformation Processes of Disused Objects | Arquitectura con Objetos Reutilizados. Procesos Tecnológicos de Reutilización y Transformación de Objetos en Desuso

The environmental problem of solid waste is latent and is part of the present not only locally but also internationally. The rate of waste generation forecast worldwide will be 44% higher by the 2025. Faced with this environmental problem, organizations and architects from different parts of the world have begun a trial / experimentation path with solid waste in order to grant a second life to discarded products and / or materials. The aim of the article is to analyse various case studies that under simple processes of reuse and transformation reinsert solid waste into new cycles.

Rome Contemporary Chapel-Concorso internazionale di idee

Via Giulia è una delle strade più importanti del centro storico di Roma. Voltuta da Papa Giulio II e disegnata da Bramante nel 1508 ma mai portata a termine del tutto, questa strada racconta di mercati fiorenti, di Papi Re, di carceri antiche e di drammatiche demolizioni del Ventinnio. Dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi, il grande vuoto urbano della "Moretta", lungo la via, è stato al centro di dibattiti e negli ultimi anni di un concorso, che ancora non vede una compiuta realizzazione.

The power of collective imagination: a methodological opportunity for reading the presence of architecture’s hidden explanatory potential

The cultural contamination in the transcription of the Word Heritage architectural projects are described by means of narrative fictions, which activate body extrasensory perception and mechanisms of simulation incarnate, reflecting on the formulation of a judgment or a project.
The living body of architecture is a continuous transmigration of tradition into the new, in a circular process that, in architecture, involves a composite set of elements.

Pilot-scale polyhydroxyalkanoate production from combined treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge

Although the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and sewage sludge (SS) originate from the same urban area and contain similar organic matter, they are collected separately and handled with different technologies. In this work, a combined treatment of OFMSW-SS mixture was investigated at pilot scale, by using a three-step mixed microbial culture (MMC) process in order to produce polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) as final high value biobased product.

Organic fraction of municipal solid waste conversion into polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in a pilot scale anaerobic/aerobic process

In recent years, the attention to organic wastes as a new feedstock for the production of PHA is increased based on the idea that this is the only way to reduce their high cost and to increase their sustainability. For this reason, a pilot platform has been designed to produce PHA from the source-sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). The cost-effective system consists in the three-steps anaerobic-aerobic process: the fermentation step was performed in a 200 L CSTR (OLR 20.0 kgVS/m3.d, HRT 3.3 d) in thermophilic conditions (55°C).

Creativity and Reality. The art of Building Future Cities

The contribution investigates the theoretical-design research methodology of a didactic experience - within the PhD in Theory and Design of the Architecture of Sapienza - on compositional methods and strategies of transformation in the design of the existing. Selecting as a field of design experimentation some significant 'architectural texts' of the twentieth century, the Whitney Museum by Marcel Breuer, (New York 1966) becomes the case study through the formal analysis of the work in order to intervene with actions of adaptation and manipulation of the original form.

The House in Four Dimensions is a Theorem

This paper deals with the construction of a possible architectural project in four dimensions. It is part of a research on the design theory and related analysis of the compositional process, and on the changing of paradigms in Architecture. To demonstrate the hypothesis of the real consistency of a new 4d spatiality for the Architecture, the design process has been analyzed in form of a theorem, starting from the comparison between the elements of the project and the definitions of the referred geometry, acquired from the study of the mathematical treatises on the fourth dimension.

Progetto Smart per le residenze per anziani: caratteri tipologici e soluzioni tecnologiche. Smart housing design for the elderly: typological characters and technological solutions

The housing demand dictated by ageing population deals with the need to guarantee safe and inclusive living environments to older adults: on the one hand, the request is to up-grade home environments to future standards, providing them with ever changing innovative technologies; on the other hand, the strengthening of relationships between networks and urban services is able to guarantee the elderly all necessary supports for their social, psychic and health needs.

Agopuntura comunitaria. Una strategia abitativa per Vila Nova Esperança

I numerosi programmi di slum upgrading in atto nello Stato di São Paulo perseguono l’integrazione socio-spaziale attraverso la rigenerazione delle realtà informali, per far sì che gli abitanti possano avere accesso a beni e servizi primari e raggiungere così, in maniera reale, standard di vita cittadini.
Tali interventi sono diversificati: risentono del luogo, della storia della comunità, della sua permanenza nell’area, della presenza o assenza di zone di rischio.

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