
“Il fattore “D” nell'università italiana: il caso delle economiste

Il concetto di diversità nella professione economica ha ricevuto nuovo impulso a seguito del recente dibattito pubblico sullo stato di salute della professione indotto dal fallimento, da parte di molti economisti, nell’intrepretare i segnali e nell’anticipare la recente crisi finanziaria. Il paper fornisce un contributo all'analisi del grado di diversità tra gli economisti accademici italiani.

PCA-based discrimination of partially observed functional data, with an application to Aneurisk65 dataset

Functional data are usually assumed to be observed on a common domain. However, it is often the case that some portion of the functional data is missing for some statistical unit, invalidating most of the existing techniques for functional data analysis. The development of methods able to handle partially observed or incomplete functional data is currently attracting increasing interest. We here briefly review this literature.

Educare al rispetto. Le Linee guida nazionalinel lessico dei PTOF di un campione di scuole italiane. Educare al rispetto. National Guidelines invocabulary of a sample of Italians schools’ PTOF

Il tema dell’educazione di genere rappresenta un importante terreno di intervento nella di-rezione della promozione delle pari opportunità e del rispetto delle differenze. Attraversole Linee guida nazionali: Educare al rispetto: per la parità tra i sessi, la prevenzione della vio-lenza di genere e di tutte le forme di discriminazioneper l’attuazione dell’articolo 1, comma16 della legge 107/2015 il MIUR recepisce tale istanza sociale e culturale invitando le scuolead accogliere nei PTOF il principio di pari opportunità.

LGBT+ Training Needs for Health and Social Care Professionals: A Cross-cultural Comparison Among Seven European Countries

Introduction: Research suggests that specific training on LGBT+ issues may improve the competencies and skills of health and social care (HSC) professionals, which reduces the negative attitudes toward LGBT+ people. Despite this, there seems to be a lack of coverage of LGBT+ needs in HSC education. The present study aims to explore the specific LGBT+ training needs of HSC professionals and to examine the relationship between these training needs and the four dimensions of the Papadopoulos model, i.e. cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and cultural competence.

La gestione delle diversità nei contesti lavorativi: Organizational Diversity & Inclusion Scales (ODIS)

Una gestione attenta alla valorizzazione delle diversità nei contesti lavorativi influenza positivamente il funzionamento organizzativo (Brimhall et al., 2014; Downey et al., 2015; Kundu, Mor, 2017; Ozbilgin, Tatli, 2008), contribuisce a implementare la soddisfazione lavorativa e l’impegno organizzativo (Cho, Mor Barak, 2008; Mor Barak, Levin, 2002; Shore et al., 2011; Travis, Mor Barak, 2010) e a ridurre le intenzioni di turnover (Groeneveld, 2011; Hopkins et al., 2010; Hwang, Hopkins, 2012; Kundu et al., 2017; Mor Barak et al., 2006; Nishii, 2013; Travis, Mor Barak, 2010).

Exploring human capital: discrimination factors and group-specific performance in the football industry

The aim of the study is to investigate whether discrimination factors exist within professional football clubs, concerning the management of their human capital, by analysing the correlation between the footballers’ wages and their performance. An analysis was conducted to show that discrimination, based both on nationality and race, can affect the strategies adopted by football club managers and in the professional footballer labour market, where players are considered to be the human capital of football enterprises.

Chemometric methods for classification and feature selection

Classification methods, i.e., the chemometric strategies for predicting a qualitative response, find many applications in the omic sciences, where often data are collected in order to categorize individuals (e.g. according to whether they were treated or administered a placebo or, for instance, depending on if they were healthy or ill). After a brief discussion of the differences between discriminant and modelling approaches, some of the techniques most commonly used in the omic fields are illustrated in greater detail.

Chemometrics in analytical chemistry—part II: modeling, validation, and applications

The contribution of chemometrics to important stages throughout the entire analytical process such as experimental design, sampling, and explorative data analysis, including data pretreatment and fusion, was described in the first part of the tutorial “Chemometrics in analytical chemistry.” This is the second part of a tutorial article on chemometrics which is devoted to the supervised modeling of multivariate chemical data, i.e., to the building of calibration and discrimination models, their quantitative validation, and their successful applications in different scientific fields.

Communication for diversity. An exploratory study on the features of internal communication to manage cultural diversity in the Italian organizations

This book contains the presentations of the papers discussed in occasion of the forst international Conference "Comunicación y Filosofía"., an international meeting participated by over than 100 scholars from 10 different countries. The abstract of R. lombardi and G. Peruzzi intends to develop a reflection on the features of internal communication to manage cultural diversity in the Italian organizations.

Communication for diversity. An exploratory study on the features of internal communication to manage cultural diversity in the italian organizations

Cultural diversity is one of the distinctive feature of our world. In consequences of a complex intertwining of some deep social processes (secularization and modernization, global media evolutions, international migrations), our societies have become culturally more heterogeneous and fragmented than in the past. These transformations involve all the spheres and institutions, thus also professional organizations.

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