
Sapienza team Route to Transformation of Educational lnstitutions through Whole lnstitution Approach to Sustainability [SUStainability in Educational lnstitutions]

Sapienza team Route to Transformation of Educational lnstitutions through Whole lnstitution Approach to Sustainability [SUStainability in Educational lnstitutions]

SUSEDI mira a trasformare le istituzioni educative (EI) utilizzando l’Approccio a Istituto Intero (AII) alla sostenibilità, in modo che queste agiscano nei tre ruoli:

- sviluppare la consapevolezza alla sostenibilità e aduna cultura della sostenibilità

- formazione e funzione pedagogica

- costruire istituzioni formative per la sostenibilità

I transversal skills. Un passaggio obbligato.

Italy seems unable to recover the historic gap compared to European education standards; the delay is relevant especially for the tertiary cycle, and it might worsen our system weakness in a strong innovation phase, marked by the rising convergence of all activities in a global digital ecosystem, by the radical transformation of work towards flexibility, and by the 'Creative Industry' and '4.0 Industry' emergence. The dropout in the first years of university paths - added to the other dropout components - is partly resulting from the lack in basic skills.

Technological design and social innovation

The Architectural Technology has always proposed a correct approach to design,
considered as the core of the building process, by identifying appropriate tools in order
to manage its complexity. Such tools are even more valid today in the perspective of a
new social demand and a transition of the building sector to Industry 4.0. However, this
is jeopardised by the budget cuts in welfare and the University: professional degrees
and industrial doctorates are not enough. It is therefore more often necessary to refer to

Pioneering into the past: Regional literacy developments in Italy before Italy

Blindfolded by a lack of earlier systematic data, comparative studies of regional developments in historical Italy begin with the formation of the Italian state, in 1861. We use literacy rates reported in post-1861 population censuses combined with the fact that literacy skills were usually achieved during youth to predict regional literacy developments all the way back to 1821. Our analysis informs ongoing debates about the origins and long-run evolution of Italy's north-south divide.

Simulating peer assessment in massive open on-line courses

Peer Assessment is a powerful tool to enhance students high level meta-cognitive skills. In this paper we deal with a simulation framework (K-OpenAnswer) allowing to support peer assessment sessions, in which peers answer a question and assess some of their peers’ answers, with the enrichment of “teacher mediation”. Teacher mediation consists in the possibility for the teacher to add information into the network of data built by the peer assessment, by grading some answers.

Hands-on education through nano-satellites development: Past, current and future projects at sapienza S5Lab

The Sapienza Space Systems and Space Surveillance Laboratory (S5Lab) at Sapienza University of Rome is in the recent years carrying out a multiplicity of University nano-satellite projects, with the design, development, launch and operations of their CubeSats. The development of a satellite is a key-importance chance for University students to gain soft skills, practical knowledge and to follow a complete development cycle of a spaceborne object.

Breast surgeons updating on the thresholds of COVID-19 era: Results of a multicenter collaborative study evaluating the role of online videos and multimedia sources on breast surgeons education and training

OBJECTIVE: Current trends show a rise of attention given to breast cancer patients' quality of life and the surgical reconstructive result. Along with this trend, surgical training quality and efficacy are gaining importanceand innovative training methods such as onlinevideos shared on social media portals, are becoming main updating tools. In hazardous times like COVID-19 pandemic nowadays, online communication becomes of vital importance and adaptation and innovation are fundamental to keep research and education alive.

The Verbal Judgement Task: Normative data of verbal abstract reasoning in a sample of 18- to 40-years old

In this study, normative data for the age-range 18–40 years have been provided for the Verbal
Judgment Test (VJT), which underpins abstract reasoning on the basis of four subtests:
“Differences”, “Proverbs”, “Absurdities” and “Classifications”. 554 participants (280 males and 274
females) were recruited and the following data were provided: means and standard deviations divided
by gender, educational level (8, 13 and 18 years) and age group (18–20 years, 21–25 years,

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma