
Recursive patterns in online echo chambers

Despite their entertainment oriented purpose, social media changed the way users access information, debate, and form their opinions. Recent studies, indeed, showed that users online tend to promote their favored narratives and thus to form polarized groups around a common system of beliefs. Confirmation bias helps to account for users’ decisions about whether to spread content, thus creating informational cascades within identifiable communities. At the same time, aggregation of favored information within those communities reinforces selective exposure and group polarization.

Le «Bimbe di Conte» e le «Tose de Zaia». Il fandom politico durante il lockdown

Se oggi c’è un luogo in cui si assiste al cortocircuito della relazione ventennale tra politica e comunicazione, quel luogo si trova esattamente nei gruppi di fandom politico nati spontaneamente in Italia durante i mesi del lockdown. Si tratta di community che si sviluppano attorno a una figura istituzionale, celebrandone perlopiù le qualità estetiche. Possono poi avere finalità prettamente ludica, o viceversa costituirsi veicolo di inedite forme di impegno civico. Analizzando i casi paradigmatici delle community sorte attorno alle figure di Giuseppe Conte e Luca Zaia, l’A.

Social media Facebook and You Tube usefulness in anatomy learning: experience at Sapienza University of Rome

Digital natives are growing up in a new media ecosystem, where the use of the net and social media is a daily practice. Even if there is a growing interest in the use of social media in uni- versity education, there is a paucity of outcome based, empirical studies assessing the impact of social media in medical education, in particular in the Human anatomy field.

From the psychoanalyst’s couch to social networks

Given the important role that the psychoanalysis has played in the field of intervention on mental health for many years and the controversial debate that as therapeutical practice has been always originated and recently reactivated, it is of particular interest to discusses the actuality of the SRT fifty years later in the era of social networks. It does so by exploring the dynamics of the interchange between scientific and lay knowledge regarding psychoanalysis, psychiatry and mental health in light of a corpus of spontaneous conversations among Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo!

L’autoregolamentazione dei principali Social Network. Una prima ricognizione delle regole sui contenuti politici

Il contributo prevede una ricognizione critica della disciplina di Google (YouTube), Facebook e Twitter sui contenuti politici e sugli annunci a pagamento relativi alla dimensione politica. L’analisi tende a dimostrare come il metodo dell’autoregolamentazione sia efficace nella gestione immediata delle questioni controverse, ma si rivela, nel complesso, inefficace, in quanto genera risultati anche radicalmente diversi in base alla strategia (economica) della singola piattaforma. Infine osserva alcune novità come l’Independent Oversight Board di Facebook.

Online networks and subjective well-being

We test the relationship between the use of social networking sites (SNS) and a proxy of utility, i.e. subjective well-being (SWB), using instrumental variables. Additionally, we disentangle the indirect effects of SNS on well-being mediated by face-to-face interactions and social trust using a structural equation model. Results suggest that the use of SNS hampers people’s well-being directly and indirectly, through its negative effects on social trust. However, the use of SNS also has a positive impact on well-being because it increases the probability of face-to-face interactions.

«Non guardarmi, non ti sento». Processi di sense giving nella controversia sui vaccini infantili tra gli utenti di Facebook

In this paper, we focus on the motivations and on the perceptions of Italian Facebook users who are actively engaged in spreading «official» or «alternative» scientific information, adopting as our case study the childhood vaccines controversy. The majority of research addressing misinformation on social media is based on quantitative analysis. While this research provides relevant insights, we believe that scholars should also better explore users’ motivations and perceptions.

Fenomenologia dei social network

Facebook, il più famoso e diffuso Social Network Sites (SNS), che è al centro del modello interpretativo proposto dal volume, nasce ad Harvard nel febbraio del 2004 e arriva in Italia a maggio del 2008. In 10 anni conquista circa 30 milioni di utenti attivi, è ormai normalizzato nelle routine quotidiane, assorbe una quota (molto rilevante in alcuni casi) delle pratiche di relazione sociale e impone le sue affordance nella gestione della presenza e dell’attività all’interno della piattaforma.

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