fiscal policy

Rigenerazione urbana e città pubblica. Il Contributo Straordinario di Urbanizzazione nelle leggi regionali

Nell’attuale fase caratterizzata dalla scarsità di risorse e dalla crescente necessità di autofinanziamento degli enti pubblici, nuove forme di prelievo della rendita urbana, strettamente integrate nel processo riformatore, possono concorrere efficacemente alla rigenerazione della città contemporanea e alla costruzione della città pubblica. In questo quadro teorico e operativo si colloca il Contributo Straordinario di Urbanizzazione (CSU) sperimentato a partire dagli anni Novanta nei Programmi integrati-complessi del Comune di Roma e introdotto nel nostro ordinamento con legge 164/2014.

On the Fiscal Policy in Malaysia: An Econometrical Analysis Between the Revenue – and Expenditure

This study aims to assess the relationship between government spending and government revenue in Malaysia. The study of the causal relationship between revenue and public expenditure has important implications for the choices of fiscal policies in the field of public finances. So, this study uses annual data for the period between 1985 - 2016 with Zivot and Andrews (1992) methods and Granger causality tests. Our results sustain the spend-and-tax hypothesis highlights how the increase in tax pressure is the wrong method to contain budget deficits.

House prices and immovable property tax. Evidence from OECD countries

This paper studies the impact of changes in immovable property tax revenues on the growth rate of house prices by analysing a panel of 34 OECD countries over the period 1970–2014. Starting from the annual series of immovable property tax revenues, we isolate years of significant shifts in the property tax regime and study their impact on house prices. We find a strong negative relationship between increases in immovable property tax revenues and house prices.

The cyclically-adjusted primary balance. A novel approach for the euro area

This paper presents novel estimates for the cyclically-adjusted primary balance for 18 countries of theEuro area over years 1999–2017. We improve the methodology adopted by the European Commission byusing quarterly rather than annual frequency data and providing accurate identification of the budgetary itemswhose response can be considered automatic to the economic cycle. This disaggregated outcome combinedwith high frequency data marks a significant improvement with respect to previous studies.

Public budgetary rules and GDP growth. An empirical study on OECD and twelve European countries

We study the long-term effects of budgetary rules on GDP growth rate and analyse the determinants of the short-term GDP growth dynamics. For both a sample of 19 OECD and a sub sample of 12 European countries, we show that, in the long-run, improvements in the cyclically adjusted budget balance, as well as increases in the tax burden, have negative effects on GDP growth. The highest effect of fiscal policy on GDP growth would be obtained if the structural deficits were used to increase the market size by reducing the tax burden.

Taxation and Laffer effects on employment and growth

Some dangerous short- and long-termambiguities of fiscal policies arise from
the belief that Laffer effects may be generated from deficit-financed tax cuts able to
stimulate aggregate demand. However, even in a supply-side framework, fiscal illusion
prevents a rational perception of the effectiveness of Laffer-oriented fiscal measures.
The ambiguity of the Laffer effect led to an important series of studies of Francesco
Forte, designed to disclose and empirically test its interactions with short- and long-term

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