
Allestimento mostra "Armi e potere nell’Europa del Rinascimento"

L'allestimento della mostra Armi e potere nell’Europa del Rinascimento è una sfida, è innanzitutto la costruzione di un dialogo fra opere esposte e spazio architettonico.
L’esposizione si articola tra Castel Sant’Angelo e Palazzo Venezia, strutture architettoniche di grande pregio e dalla forte carica identitaria, ricche di storia, normalmente meta di visita in
quanto monumenti, al di là degli allestimenti che ospitano. La prima prova consiste quindi nell’organizzare una mostra che permetta la lettura del luogo, un allestimento che sappia coesistere con


This book intends to give a contribution to an urgent issue, that concerns the presence of the past in the actual contemporary China, involved in a rapid development that risks to erase the traces of its millenary urban history. The town of Anhai, in Quanzhou city metropolitan area, presents a wide and various urban heritage, typical of Fujian: extensive fabric of traditional, red brick courtyard houses goes together with the presence of some important monuments, among which the ancient Anping bridge is the most relevant.

Transformation vs Permanence. An International Design Workshop along the Aurelian walls

The experience recounted in this text is that of an international design Workshop held in the autumn of 2015 between Rome and Nanjing, and that involved instructors, PhD candidates, and students from three different faculties: Sapienza University of Rome, Southeast University in Nanjing, Tianjin University in Tianjing.

Megapolis Minsk. City, landscape, and tourism in the transition from Soviet city to contemporary city / Megapolis Minsk. Città, paesaggio, turismo nel passaggio dalla città sovietica alla città contemporanea

È un progetto di ricerca congiunto centrato sulle problematiche urbane della città e della regione di Minsk e del paese bielorusso nel momento in cui questi, all’indomani della lunga stagione sovietica si

Cultural Heritage and Adaptive Reuse in Rural Urban Contemporary China. The interest for the western methodologies and the peculiarity of the Chinese issues

From the early 90s several Chinese cities engaged transformation embodying
in architecture, public space and urban texture, the physical evidence of the
expectations and contradictions originated and breed by the reforms initiated in
the late 1970s. The idea and the meaning of cultural heritage has been evolving
since then in Chinese architectural culture through central government reforms
and private initiatives managing the reconstruction of national identity within a

Preservation, heritage, adaptive reuse. Il ruolo recente dell’Italia, le interferenze dal mondo globale

Una domanda, tra le tante poste dai fenomeni di globalizzazione, non è più rinviabile: tenendo presente quanto è accaduto negli
ultimi quindici anni è forse – o ancora – possibile confrontare le azioni progettuali e gli esercizi teorici degli architetti e degli accademici
americani e cinesi che si occupano di preservation, heritage, adaptive reuse, con le azioni e gli esercizi teorici dei loro omologhi italiani nel settore del restauro e della conservazione del patrimonio culturale?

The shape of continuity . A research method

The study of mathematical objects with the philosophical aspiration to true, beauty and right, are the center of the research that from 2016, we are carrying on as the appliance of a method for the project of renewal of buildings and historical sites, starting from the original unit of measurement. The research produced survey-and-design experiments of different nature. The first in Castri di Lecce, a small town in Puglia, culminated with an exhibition and published in a book that extensively illustrates the hypotheses of intervention on this ancient ducal palace.

Cultural Tourism in Europe. Discovering Heritage created by Women Architects and Designers | Turismo Culturale in Europa. Alla scoperta del Patrimonio creato dalle Donne Architetto e Designer

Il contributo presenta un’esperienza originale di itinerari turistico-culturali dedicati alla scoperta del patrimonio architettonico e dell’eredità progettuale dalle donne in Europa. Questa esperienza ha avuto origine nel quadro del progetto culturale europeo Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement - MoMoWo (diretto dal Politecnico di Torino) e ha prodotto la prima guida incentrata sulle opere femminili: Women – Architecture & Design Itineraries across Europe (2016).

3D survey and digital models as the first documentation of hypogeum of S. Saba in Rome

On the Aventine Minor, the oratory of Santa Silvia was home to a community of oriental monks, who, in the first half of the seventeenth century, created a typical Palestinian cemetery with a small monastery that expanded with the growing prestige of the community. The construction of the Basilica of San Saba, above the oratory, was by a group of monks, “the Benedettini di Montecassino,” who lived there in the middle of the tenth century. The substructure was only recovered in the early 1900s.

The Italian-Palestinian expedition to Tell es-Sultan, Ancient Jericho (1997–2015): Archaeology and valorisation of material and immaterial heritage

Sapienza University of Rome and the Palestinian MoTA-DACH have been committed since 1997 to theprotection, scientific re-evaluation and tourist rehabilitation of Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho. Excavations, surveys,and restorations over 15 field seasons allow an update of our knowledge on the history of this long-lived site of theancient Near East, as well as making it possible to match data collected by three previous expeditions within a singlecomprehensive picture

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