industrial heritage

Programma Erasmus curso 017-018

El programa formativo de esta experiencia ha sido elaborado de manera conjunta, para valorar la calidad de lo aprendido por
los alumnos en las dos Escuelas y otorgar al proyecto de Tesis de Laurea el carácter de un proyecto integrador de las diversas
escalas de la arquitectura.
Los resultados arrojan una particular sensibilidad hacia los valores patrimoniales, así como un desarrollo coherente desde las

La riqualificazione dei siti industriali e la creazione di Parchi urbani

In Europa il fenomeno della deindustrializzazione ha determinato a partire dagli anni ’80, opportunità e urgenza di rigenerazione per i siti industriali dismessi. Quando avviene il riconoscimento di patrimonio industriale è possibile riscontrare diverse strategie messe felicemente in atto, che si avvalgono di misure a volte contrastanti.

Industrial Heritage and UNESCO by Massimo Preite

In Paesaggi industriali e Patrimonio Unesco (Industrial Landscapes and Heritage of UNESCO) Massimo Preite delineates a general frame concerning the nature of industrial landscapes in Italy and in Europe. He also illustrates the presence and the role of this kind of heritage in UNESCO’s categories. The Italian title involves the definition of the industrial landscape. Over the last twenty years the author, a member of the board of TICCIH, AIPAI and ERIH, has paid attention to the regeneration phenomena in Italy and across Europe.

Shanghai between 19th and 20th centuries. Open Door Policy and the Birth of Industrial Heritage // Shanghai tra il XIX e il XX secolo. La porta aperta e la costituzione del patrimonio industriale

Exploring Shanghai's industrial heritage constitution means embarking on a journey through the history of one of the most exceptional cosmopolitan cities ever established. The urban system, architecture, technology reflect the meeting of many cultures and enterprising people. Some decade after the location of the foreign settlements, in the middle of 19th, the city added to the commercial vocation an important manufacturing activity. The rapid industrial rise of the late 19th laid the foundation for the golden age of Shanghai.

Volte sottili a geometria rigata. Le coperture di Giorgio Baroni per l’Alfa Romeo al Portello e le Fonderie Vanzetti a Milano

At the beginning of 20th century the development of industrial sector gave the opportunity to investigate innovative construction techniques and apply new patents, mainly in the field of reinforced concrete systems. Among these, particular attention should be paid to thin concrete shell structures, firstly studied in Germany and France during twenties. These types of roofs met efficiently the functional needs of industrial buildings, especially for cover the large spans often required.

L'ex cartiera Amicucci–Parmegiani a Tivoli: strategie progettuali per la valorizzare del patrimonio industriale e paesaggistico

Tivoli area belong to a paper industrial district developed around the 15th century nearby the Aniene river. Thanks to long tradition and richness in term of number of factories, it can be considered one of the main paper industrial districts of Lazio. The Amicucci-Parmegiani paper mill is located in an archaeological area subject to legal protection of landscape, which shows the evidences of the town's past, both before and after the industrialization process.

M50 art district in Shanghai. A journey through old/new architecture // M50 Art District a Shanghai. Un percorso tra vecchie/nuove architetture

The 50th Moganshan Lu is a system of industrial buildings built from 1930 which illustrate the growth of Shangtex – a industrial textile company owned by the Shangtex Holding Corporation - and the evolution of construction technique used in industrial facilities in Shanghai.
From the mid-1980s artistic life in China changed: painters and sculptors until then employed by the State, begin to exhibit in domestics and foreign private galleries and the 50 Moganshan Lu abandoned by the textile industry, was transformed into a coordinate system of galleries and studios.

Socialist industrial heritage in Albania. A proposal design for the conversion of the Gogonushi complex in Fier

Il regime socialista, che ha governato il paese dal 1945 al 1990, ha consegnato all’Albania una serie di complessi industriali frutto dell’importazione di tecniche e processi costruttivi importati dall’URRS e dalla Cina. La caduta del regime pone la questione se questi manufatti, nonostante costituiscano uno dei simboli della dittatura, possono essere interessati da processi di risignificazione e rigenerazione per la comunità albanese. Il paper proposto per tanto analizza il possibile riuso del complesso Gogo Nushi a Fier, investigando diverse scale di intervento:

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