


SLOW SUMER is aimed at analysing repair, reuse and recycling in Sumerian society between 2500-2000 BC, opening in this way a new trend of studies on these practices, substantially narrowing the current void in archaeological and philological research

SLOW SUMER project is going to test the following key questions:

Uso e struttura nei centri minori abbandonati. Sicurezza vs conservazione?

The phenomenon of depopulation that has affected many small Italian historic centres - immediately after the unification of Italy, then still after the Second World War and aggravated by the seismic events that have occurred throughout the national territory - has long posed the question of how to attempt the recovery of many minor centres of various historical, architectural and landscaping interest, now abandoned or in conditions of increasing demographic decline.

A repository of recovered materials from post-earthquake reconstruction areas

Following the series of 'severe' seismic events that began in 2009, Italian legislation classified demolition debris as urban waste, despite Directive 200898EC calling for the reuse/recycling of 70% of all waste from human activities by 2020. This choice will produce a technical, cultural, environmental and economic impoverishment in territories already under heavy strain. Considering the convergence between the paradigms of the Circular Economy and Smartness, the essay identifies possible technological innovations for creating repositories of recovered materials.

Resource Matter Material. Reuse as a technical option for sustainable design

The proposed contribution, in response to the EU objectives on Resource Efficiency and Circular
Economy, offers a detailed overview of the most up-to-date international experiences on the reuse
of materials in architecture, illustrating in particular the peculiarities of the practices and context
conditions on the closed-loop use of materials in the building sector in Italy. The objective of the
present study, in particular, is to examine the feasibility at national level of the reuse strategy, in

Progetto di riqualificazione dell'ex rimessa "Atac" di piazza Bainsizza, Roma

Il progetto di riqualificazione dell'ex rimessa ATAC a piazza Bainsizza, Roma, è stato oggetto del laboratorio di progettazione IV tenuto dalla Professoressa Nilda Valentin.
Gli obiettivi dell'intervento hanno riguardato il recupero e il riuso delle archeologie industriali presenti nel lotto di progetto e la loro integrazione nel tessuto urbano. La valorizzazione dei manufatti esistenti e l'annessione di nuove funzioni hanno avuto il ruolo strategico di riattivare le potenzialità dell'area all'interno del quartiere.

The use of local materials for low-energy service buildings in touristic island: The case study of Favignana island

Energy sustainability of new service buildings should considers the use of envelope materials able to minimize thermal dispersions avoiding at the same time environmental and landscaping impacts specially in the small islands of Mediterranean sea generally characterized by high environmental and landscaping values. In this context, the paper provides an analysis of local materials for the design of low-energy service buildings in touristic islands, according with the concept of re-use.

L’Ex-Arsenale militare dell’Arcipelago de la Maddalena: Proposta di riuso e di strategie progettuali per il patrimonio militare. Ex-military Arsenal of La Maddalena Archipelago: proposal of reuse and of design strategies for the military heritage.

The  complex of Marinarsen former Military Arsenal, located in La Maddalena Island along the East side of the original military settlement, was born in 1895. Its more recent history sees first the disposal and, in the 2007, the retraining and reuse in order to host the G8 International Summit. In 2009, at almost complete reconstruction, at the cost of about 200 million euro, the G8 Summit is moved to L'Aquila so the facilities entrust to MITA Resort in order to convert it into an extra luxury tourist receptive pole (this operation was unrealized).

L’Ex-Arsenale militare dell’Arcipelago de la Maddalena: Proposta di riuso e di strategie progettuali per il patrimonio militare. Ex-military Arsenal of La Maddalena Archipelago: Proposal of reuse and of design strategies for the military heritage

The  complex of Marinarsen former Military Arsenal, located in La Maddalena Island along the East side of the original military settlement, was born in 1895. Its more recent history sees first the disposal and, in the 2007, the retraining and reuse in order to host the G8 International Summit. In 2009, at almost complete reconstruction, at the cost of about 200 million euro, the G8 Summit is moved to L'Aquila so the facilities entrust to MITA Resort in order to convert it into an extra luxury tourist receptive pole (this operation was unrealized).

Iscrizioni opistografe, iscrizioni reimpiegate. Il caso di due frammenti di Priverno

Two new epigraphical fragments, found in the recent excavations of the “cathedral” of Privernum, reveal a singular history of epigraphic and building reuse. A marble slab is first used to contain the local Fasti. Afterwards, probably at the beginning of the IV century, the slab is rotated 180 ° and is now used to contain a new document, official

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