
Cloaca Maxima. Tra Archeologia, Topografia e Storia

Te Cloaca Maxima is the most impressive and enduring infrastructure of Rome’s urban history: due to its topographical extension (which involves the districts of the Subura, the Argiletum, the Forum Romanum, the Velabrum and the Forum Boarium) and for its multiple phases of life (from the archaic age to the full Imperial period), it accompanies all the main architectural and topographical transformations of the center of the ancient city.

Tra Taranto e Roma. Il tempio dei capitelli figurati nel foro di Cora

Know since the second half of the Eighteenth century, the figural corinthian capitals of Cora (Latium) have not yet received adequate consideration and appropriate contextualization whthin this original type of Italic architectural decoration of the Hellenistic period. The present works analyses their form and meaning and highlights their formal, compositional and stylistic relationships with other and much better known series of similar artefacts from southern Italy and Etruria.

City of Encounters. Public Spaces and Social Interaction in Ancient Rome

The aim of this book is to identify and analyse the main internal
and external spaces that enabled and encouraged interaction
among individuals and groups in the ancient city of Rome. Such spaces
include places of worship, places of entertainment, bathhouses and
other places for personal care and recreation, guildhalls and places of
economic and political exchange. The main objective of each chapter
of the volume is to establish the topographical framework of spaces
and buildings, and the relations between spaces (and their furnishings)

Roma vista “dal cielo” e “dalla superficie”: rappresentazioni sociali di aereoportuali e lungoresidenti nella capitale. Simposio “Le rappresentazioni del sociale”.

Nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca più ampio condotto in dieci capitali storiche europee, avviato da
de Rosa negli anni ’80, in questo contributo presentiamo alcuni risultati di due indagini empiriche
condotte nel 2017 su due specifiche popolazioni di residenti a Roma per identificare le
rappresentazioni sociali della Capitale vista da una duplice prospettiva: dal cielo e dalla superficie.
Popolazione della ricerca: Per la prospettiva “dalla superficie” sono stati intervistati 50 lungo-residenti

Rome Seen from the Ground and from the Sky, Also Compared to the Ideal City. The Social Representations from the Perspective of Long-term Residents and of Airport Workers.

This chapter is part of a broader research program initiated by de Rosa in the 1980s on “Place-identity and Social Representations of European Capitals in First Visitors of Six Different Nationalities” . It has been developed over time in various lines of investigation interrelated between them: “field studies” and “media studies” , taking inspiration from the peculiar multi-theoretical and multi-methododological perspective, characterizing the “modelling approach” as a paradigmatic option specific to the research field guided by the Social Representation theory.

Innovare la rilevazione e l ’ intervento sulle diseguaglianze alla scala urbana. Una proposta per l’area romana

Una delle principali sfide della fase di transizione nella quale ci troviamo, riguarda l’aumento delle diseguaglianze e della povertà alla scala urbana. Roma assiste da tempo all’aggravarsi di questi fenomeni urbani che pare lasciare all’inerzia e all’assenza di una azione di governo, per altro non stimolata da una guida o da indirizzi nazionali chiari o stabili. In questo quadro, sembra necessario attrezzarsi a meglio pesare e affrontare la dimensione delle diseguaglianze lontano da approcci caritatevoli e rimediali, ma con chiari obiettivi di coesione.

No evidence of sars-cov-2 circulation in rome (Italy) during the pre-pandemic period: Results of a retrospective surveillance

In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the COVID-19 outbreak recorded over the previous months could be characterized as a pandemic. The first known Italian SARS-CoV-2 positive case was reported on 21 February. In some countries, cases of suspected “COVID-19-like pneumonia” had been reported earlier than those officially accepted by health authorities. This has led many investigators to check preserved biological or environmental samples to see whether the virus was detectable on dates prior to those officially stated.

Rome was not built in a day. Resilience and the eternal city: Insights for urban management

Resilience has been intensely investigated as the viable quality of individuals, groups, organizations, and systems to respond productively to notable change without engaging in an extended period of regressive behaviour. Recently, there has been growing attention to the relationship between resilience and cities. To contribute to this stimulating debate, this paper first provides the theoretical framework and links the concept of resilience to urban studies.

Radio Base Stations and Electromagnetic Fields: GIS Applications and Models for Identifying Possible Risk Factors and Areas Exposed. Some Exemplifications in Rome

This paper—which is contextualized in the discussion on the methodological pluralism
and the main topics of medical geography, the complexity theory in geographies of health, the remaking of medical geography and ad hoc systems of data elaboration—focuses on radio base stations (RBSs) as sources of electromagnetic fields, to provide GIS applications and simplifying-prudential models that are able to identify areas that could potentially be exposed to hazard. After
highlighting some specific aspects regarding RBSs and their characteristics and summarizing the

Integrated geomatic methodologies to reconstruct the ancient topography of Rome

The current urban centre of Rome is built upon up to ten metres of anthropic layers formed between the
Early Bronze Age, when the Capitolium was first occupied, and the present days. These layers represent
an inestimable record of the events (buildings, demolitions, collapses, fires, floods, etc.) that shaped
the appearance of the eternal city. However, most of time the investigations take place near or under
contemporary historical or modern structures, which made the excavations very complex from a technical

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