
Afroasiatica Romana. Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of Afroasiatic Linguistics, 17-19 September 2014, Rome

Atti del Convegno di Linguistica Afroasiatica che pubblica 20 contributi tra quelli che erano stati divulgati in sede di convegno e che spaziano dalla linguistica libico-berbera, al ciadico ed egiziano antico, fino ad affrontare nello specifico alcuni settori della semitistica.

Emergency Department Overcrowding: A Retrospective Spatial Analysis and the Geocoding of Accesses. A Pilot Study in Rome

The overcrowding of first aid facilities creates considerable hardship and problems which
have repercussions on patients’ wellbeing, the time needed for a diagnosis, and on the quality of
the assistance. The basic objective of this contribution, based on the data collected by the Hospital
Policlinico Umberto I in Rome (Lazio region, Italy), is to carry out a territorial screening of
the municipality using GIS applications and spatial analyses aimed at reducing—in terms of

More on Illumination at the Time of the Great Schism: Book Patronage in the two Curias and a Long-Lasting Stage of Gothic Illumination in Rome

The article examines the production of illuminated books in Avignon and Rome during the Schism, presenting new findings pertaining to both contexts. It shows that the late gothis phase documented in Rome under the patronage of the first popes during the Schism was long-lived, lasting until the return of pope Martin V after the Council of Constance and the end of the Great Western Schism.

Le lingue di Roma

L'articolo, che rientra nella specifica Tavola Rotonda su "Roma nella storia, nella linguistica e nella letteratura", esamina la categoria storiografica della continuità e della "longue durée" applicata alla storia linguistica dell'Vrbs, una storia per molti versi eccezionale per quantità e qualità documentaria.

Cinesi all’Esquilino. Pratiche di luogo, relazioni situate e tendenze evolutive

Quali vissuti migratori connotano abitanti ed operatori economici cinesi dell’Esquilino, quartiere multietnico di Roma? Attraverso quali reti di relazione sono arrivati nel rione? Ritengono davvero di essere una comunità chiusa, poco incline al confronto interetnico, come emerge dagli studi pregressi? Ed eventualmente, quali ostacoli impediscono di interagire con gli italiani e/o con persone di altre nazionalità? Quali dinamiche si registrano tra le giovani generazioni cinesi?

La tradizione tardogotica nella Roma di Martino V: nuovi contributi sul Breviario di Giordano Orsini (Arch. Cap. S. Pietro B.82) e sulla miniatura romana degli anni venti del Quattrocento

Il contributo mette in luce la prosecuzione dell'uso del repertorio figurativo e decorativo elaborato a Roma in epoca tardogotica ancora nel corso degli anni venti del Quattrocento, durante il papato di Martino V, con particolare riferimento al Breviario di Giordano Orsini, datato al 1423.

Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy)

This paper reports the archaeobotanical and archaeozoological data from a disposal pit, whose use started after the partial closure of a staircase, and from a mortar surface within a former porch in the Santi Quattro Coronati complex in Rome, Italy. The two contexts were in use in the Early Modern Age, when the complex served as a cardinal seat.

Rome in its setting. Post-glacial aggradation history of the Tiber river alluvial deposits and tectonic origin of the Tiber Island

The Tiber valley is a prominent feature in the landscape of ancient Rome and an important element for understanding its urban development. However, little is known about the city’s original setting. Our research provides new data on the Holocene sedimentary history and human-environment interactions in the Forum Boarium, the location of the earliest harbor
of the city. Since the Last Glacial Maximum, when the fluvial valley was incised to a depth


The beginning of Iron Age in Central Italy witnessed increasing social complexity, urbanization processes and climatic instability. However, understanding the mutual relations of these events as well as their effects on past agriculture is still a complex matter. This research aims at investigating changes in agricultural systems and environmental variability through the analysis of macrobotanical samples retrieved from multiple archaeological contexts dating between the 10th and the 6th century BCE.

La lezione di Roma nell’architettura di Alessandro Anselmi e Francesco Venezia

For many architects, who attribute to memory a fundamental role in their creative process, Rome and its multiple spatiality have been and continue to be extraordinary sources of inspiration.
Its ruins, expression of the fragment and unfinished condition, have been used as a bare architecture, pluging in a new building, or as a layer on which build up the following one. Their building systems and urban role have attracted architects from different eras.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma