
Safety ranking definition for infrastructures with high PTW flow

Powered two-wheelers (PTWs) provide a suitable mode for a large portion of population in many cities due to rider's personal convenience and the vehicle supposed easiness of manoeuvring. At the same time PTWs present serious safety issues compared to other motorized vehicles. This paper reports the main outcome of study carried out in Rome, where this mode is very popular and assesses the economic efforts to make infrastructure safer for PTWs.

Maintenance priority associated with powered two-wheeler safety

Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) provide a suitable mode for a large portion of population in many cities due to rider’s personal convenience and the vehicle supposed easiness of manoeuvring. At the same time PTWs present serious safety issues compared to other motorized vehicles. This paper reports the main outcome of study carried out in Rome, where this mode is very popular and assesses the economic efforts to make infrastructure safer for PTWs.

An Integrated, Systems-Based Approach to Authorisation of Actively-Controlled Running Dynamics

A European Union funded research project called RUN2Rail is investigating a range of new technologies for railway rolling stock. The project includes a task on the use active of suspensions, and one of the subtasks is to propose a homologation or authorisation strategy. The incorporation of electronics and control into suspension systems is still at an early stage, so this paper provides a framework for a practical and efficient authorisation strategy based upon existing European regulations and standards.

Decaying grid turbulence experiments in a stratified fluid: flow measurements and statistics

Laboratory experiments of decaying grid stratified turbulence were performed in a two-layer fluid and varying the stratification intensity. Turbulence was generated by towing an array of cylinders in a square vessel and the grid was moved at a constant velocity along the total vertical extent of the tank. In order to investigate the influence of the stratification intensity on the turbulence decay, both 2C-PIV and stereo PIV were used to provide time resolved velocity fields in the horizontal plane and the out-of-plane velocity.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma