
A non-linear kinetic model of self-propelled particles with multiple equilibria

We introduce and analyse a continuum model for an interacting particle system of Vicsek type. The model is given by a non-linear kinetic partial differential equation (PDE) describing the time-evolution of the density f_t, in the single particle phase-space, of a collection of interacting particles confned to move on the one-dimensional torus.

Juridification as politics: an institutional view

In the existing literature on depoliticization, the increasing use of law as a medium to tackle social and political issues is deemed to be detrimental to the legitimacy of political processes. Against this view, I argue that this trend – which some scholars call ‘juridification’ – can be key to giving life to new forms of politics. First, I show why juridification is a political more than a legal process. Second, I illustrate recent critiques of the dangers inherent in the particular type of juridification that involves the growing use of rights.

Mixed micelles of oppositely charged poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) diblock copolymers

Mixed micelle formation between two oppositely charged diblock copolymers that have a common thermosensitive nonionic block of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) has been studied. The block copolymer mixed solutions were investigated under equimolar charge conditions as a function of both temperature and total polymer concentrations by turbidimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (2D H-1 NMR NOESY), dynamic light scattering, and small angle X-ray scattering measurements.


In a growing number of small and large cities across Europe, citizens are engaging and mobilizing to demonstrate their ability in creating innovative solutions for important social and spatial challenges. We are witnessing a different set of micro-practices that are transforming cities ‘from below’, thus questioning not only the relation between active citizenship and the State (Uitermark, 2015) but also forms of urban activation themselves.


In maniera sempre più consistente le città (e non solo) sono diffusamente attraversate da processi e pratiche di autorganizzazione: pratiche che vanno dal riuso di immobili dismessi come luoghi di produzione culturale, orti urbani, aree verdi autoprodotte ed autogestite, produzione di spazi pubblici, organizzazione di servizi locali di accesso pubblico, fino alla produzione di veri e propri servizi sanitari o di welfare per arrivare alle occupazioni a scopo abitativo o alla gestione autorganizzata delle assegnazioni di case (sia di immobili dismessi sia dell’edilizia pubblica).

Cities and Self-organization

In the contemporary city, we are today more and more witnessing different practices and processes of “re-appropriation of space”: regeneration of empty buildings, spaces of cultural production, urban gardens, green areas given renewed significance and re-shaped public spaces, and so on. Beside this, we could also mention experimentations that are activating new social services and welfare spaces, and finally squatting projects, which are defining different modes of co-existence, housing and service provision.

Città fai-da-te. Tra antagonismo e cittadinanza. Storie di autorganizzazione urbana

Le città sono attraversate da pratiche e processi di appropriazione e riappropriazione, da forme diffuse di autorganizzazione, da attività e iniziative autogestite, da nuove pratiche di convivenza, da movimenti urbani che cercano di praticare una diversa idea di città. Si tratta di un vasto fermento che interessa, anche se in modi molto diversificati, tutte le città del mondo.

Recuperare il rapporto con la terra. L'agricoltura nelle periferie urbane

Le nostre città stanno cambiando profondamente, sia nella loro struttura spaziale sia nei modi con cui organizziamo la nostra vita quotidiana e quindi le abitiamo. Focalizzare l’attenzione sul tema dell’agricoltura periurbana è un buon modo per leggere tali trasformazioni e interrogarci sul futuro delle nostre città . Per cogliere questi cambiamenti e darne una diversa narrazione è necessario però assumere un approccio innovativo rispetto al tradizionale sguardo dall’alto o attraverso le mappe, tipico di molti urbanisti.

Self-organization practices in cities: discussing the transformative potential

In a growing number of small and large cities across Europe, citizens are engaging and mobilizing to demonstrate their ability in creating innovative solutions for important social and spatial
challenges. We are witnessing a different set of micro-practices that are transforming cities ‘from below’, thus questioning not only the relation between active citizenship and the State
(Uitermark, 2015) but also forms of urban activation themselves. In this paper we examine the politics of urban self organization with a particular focus on the implications for local

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