Sharing economy

Come vestirsi

Con l’aumentare delle alternative di offerta sul mercato e della trasparenza d’informazioni sui prodotti, grazie al web e ai social network, il consumatore oggi è sempre più competente, esigente e selettivo e vuole più informazioni sulla filiera di produzione e sull’eco-compatibilità della stessa. Quello della moda rappresenta il macrosettore più inquinante per l’ambiente. È da alcuni anni che si parla di moda sostenibile. Ora è tempo di accelerare l’attuazione di piani per un rinnovamento del settore che vada in questa direzione.

Car Sharing and Relocation Strategies: a Case Study Comparison in the Italian Market

The sharing economy represents an economic model based on the sharing of goods and services. In particular, this paper examines car sharing model, an attractive alternative to a self-owned car which has found large interest in the recent literature in different research fields. This study aims to investigate innovative and effective relocation strategies based on the analysis of data on users’ consumptions, for the constantly growing car sharing system.

The Sharing Economy at the Crossroads. A Conflict Between Social Values and Market Mechanisms

In the last few years the phenomenon of the Sharing Economy rapidly gained momentum. The reasons for this success are multiple but the most important is the tendency to faster exchanges and economic relationships both on the real and the financial market. This awareness made it essential to start the study from the crisis of the hyper-capitalism and of the concept of ownership which is being replaced with that of a more fluid sharing.

Proceedings 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development

In the last few years the phenomenon of the Sharing Economy rapidly gained momentum. The reasons for this success are multiple but the most important is the tendency to faster exchanges and economic relationships both on the real and the financial market. This awareness made it essential to start the study form the crisis of the hyper-capitalism and of the concept of ownership which is being replaced with that of a more fluid sharing.

Beyond Hyper-capitalism: can the sharing economy reshape sustainable development?

In nowadays globalized world, highly interconnected by various kind of networks, first of all the social networks, a radical phenomenon is rapidly gaining momentum: that of the sharing economy. From the United States to the Eastern Europe, the phenomenon is becoming increasingly vast and increasingly discussed. Uber, Airbnb, HomeExchange, and so on are extending like wildfire. Even in Albania we start to see the first startups and the first experimentations. But what does this mean? Does represent an opportunity of development for the country? What are its critical issues?

Managing co-creation in innovative business models: The case of sharing economy

Objectives. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how co-creation is managed within the innovative business models of sharing economy platforms.
Methodology. Case studies analysis has been performed on three sharing economy platforms. Platforms have been selected according to the extent to which innovation driven by co-creative processes was evincible in the value proposition, in the profit formula or in the key processes and resources. The cases have been analyzed through the D.A.R.T. model that defines the four places of co-creation (dialogue, access, risk, transparency).

Sharing economy: per una filosofia della condivisione

La sharing economy può essere considerata come un nuovo/alternativo modello economico sviluppatosi a partire dal 2008, come conseguenza della crisi economico-finanziaria (Patel, 2010; Krugman, 2009; Latouche, 2008; 2011a; 2011b). Tale modello è stato reso possibile dallo sviluppo delle tecnologie relazionali e può rappresentare un’opportunità per varie tipologie di soggetti: start up, aziende e amministrazioni ma anche associazioni e singoli cittadini.

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