
Il meccanismo internazionale, imparziale e indipendente di sostegno alle indagini e alla repressione dei crimini commessi in Siria

Il Meccanismo internazionale, imparziale e indipendente di sostegno alle indagini e alla repressione dei crimini commessi in Siria costituisce un esperimento innovativo nel sempre più complesso e variegato armamentario della giustizia penale internazionale. Le novità più

N. inv. 622, fragment en verre

This unpublished fragment of a glass disk bears the name and title of the Umayyad caliph Hish?m b. ‘Abd al-Malik (105-125 AH / AD 724-743). It is of a new type, different from the few other ones known with his name. The inscriptions on the comparanda attest that Hish?m issued various type of glasses (coin weights, vessel stamps and tokens), in different colours (yellow, bluish-green and green). The fragment is most likely a coin weight, but a more precise description is prevented by its incomplete state, and the absence of another identical specimen.

Tappe siriane di commerci a lunga distanza nel III millennio a.C.

Syrian stopovers in long-distance trade routes in the III millennium b.C. · The recent publication of Egyptian and Syrian texts and the rereading of some known texts, all dating back to the III millennium b.C., proved that in Syria, back then, several cities, capitals of kingdoms, were important stop-overs in the long-trade routes that connected the Middle East to Egypt. This article focuses on traded goods, especially timber, ivory, lapis lazuli, tin, silver and gold.

Liminalità infantile nella Siria del III millennio a.C.

Births at the Ebla court and at other Syrian courts are often quoted in the Ebla texts. Wet-nurses took care of the royal babies for some years. It is difficult to follow the lives of the royal babies. Several boys and girls are attested as apprentices of different jobs such as dancers, singers, carpenters, dyers, gardeners etc. They received from the palace rations of food and textiles as payment for their work.

La città di Mari e le religioni della Siria

Un unico filo lega le religioni siriane di Ebla, Mari, Emar, Ugarit alle grandi religioni monoteistiche, in primo luogo alla religione ebraica documentata nel I millennio a.C., ma anche alla religione cristiana e all'Islamismo. Tutte e tre le grandi religioni monoteistiche sono nate in questa parte del Vicino Oriente e sono state pesantemente influenzate dalle religioni delle popolazioni che Ii avevano vissuto da millenni.

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