
Social Representations; brand identity; brand image; destination@-branding; European Capitals.

As part of the wider research program initiated by de Rosa in the 1980s (cfr inter alia: de Rosa,
1995, 1997, 2013; de Rosa, Antonelli & Calogero, 1995) on “Place-identity and Social
Representations of European Capitals in First Visitors of Six Different Nationalities”, this
contribution is included in the "field studies", with particular reference to the data collection carried
out in 2014 in the city of Paris, focusing some aspects of the follow-up/extension of the research

The case study of Paris in an increasingly uncertain Europe.

This contribution is part of a wider on-going research program initiated by de Rosa in the 1980s, inspired by
the paradigm of social representations and applying the “modelling approach”. The objectives of this
contribution are: to study the system of attribution of meanings to the different spatial dimensions of
"underground" and "over-ground" Paris; to analyse the differences in the social representations of 50
professional drivers in surface transport (trams, buses, taxis) and in subsoil (underground, RER). We expected

Challenging the models of terrorism discourse in the news. European and islamic values in the french and italian press

The aim of this paper is to reflect on the social role of European journalists as they cover the issue of terrorism, which is a potential threat to European society itself. For this purpose, the paper presents the results of a qualitative media content analysis related to the news coverage of the aftermath of three major terrorist attacks. Specifically, the research focuses on the values involved in the coverage of the event rather than on the strict report of what happened.

L'insicurezza curabile. Dai media terrorismi alla comunicazione responsabile

Prendendo spunto dall’analisi della letteratura scientifica, dai dati di ri-cerca forniti da fonti secondarie, dal monitoraggio della programmazione televisiva e dalle suggestioni offerte dall’ambito della pubblicità e del marketing (apparentemente lontano, di fatto particolarmente affine sul piano delle strategie simboliche), il contributo si propone di arrivare a ri-baltare le regole della narrazione dei fatti terroristici, immaginando inedite strategie di restituzione e persino di contronarrazione degli stessi eventi drammatici che possano garantire un diverso empowerment del soggetto, a

Temi e stili narrativi del terrorismo. Un’analisi dell’infotainment televisivo e delle percezioni degli adolescenti

Il presente contributo si propone di arrivare a ribaltare le regole della narrazione dei fatti terroristici, immaginando inedite strategie di restituzione e persino di contronarrazione degli stessi eventi drammatici. Strategie che possano garantire un diverso empowerment del soggetto, attenuando i decibel della paura e facendo della fiducia e della conoscenza rinnovate piattaforme di solidarietà e di sicurezza.

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