
Carbon Footprint: calculation methodology applied to a territory

Le operazioni, a prima vista semplici, di quantificazione delle emissioni di CO2 equivalente di un determinato territorio preso a campione, rendono la tematica della sostenibilità ambientale oggettivamente più complessa e molto articolata in quanto le criticità che si rilevano trovano radici in opzioni politico-economiche. Gli aspetti di maggiore complessità risiedono all'interno delle differenti caratterizzazioni territoriali e delle variazioni locali e di tradizione sociale.

The carbon footprint of the historic centre of the Municipality of Trevignano Romano - Lazio Region, Italy

Operations to quantify the CO2eq emissions of a given territory encounter critical issues that make the
matter more complex because they are rooted in political/economic/social options carried out over time
and in other locations; options that “come from elsewhere and far in time” and therefore make partial the
technical solutions that are proposed today. Each intervention must therefore be “contextualized in space
and time” otherwise the technical initiative in progress, not well understood, can create the

Requirement specifications for track measuring and monitoring systems // Specifiche di requisiti per sistemi di misura e monitoraggio del binario

L’articolo descrive i primi risultati di Assets4Rail, un progetto, finanziato con fondi UE, che vuole offrire un contributo al trasferimento modale a favore della ferrovia attraverso lo studio, l’adattamento e la sperimentazione delle più avanzate tecnologie di monitoraggio

Unplanned rail service disruptions. Recovery Index for the station analysis where to set up a bus bridging // Interruzioni accidentali del servizio ferroviario. Un Recovery Index per l’analisi delle stazioni dove istituire servizi di autobus sostitut

Il lavoro propone un modello quantitativo per l’analisi della resilienza delle linee ferroviarie con particolare riferimento all’assicurazione della continuità del servizio mediante autobus. Per ogni tratta compresa tra due stazioni, si considera l’interruzione della circolazione

Effects of passengers flows on regularity of metro services: case studies of Rome lines A and B

The regularity is a key performance in the operation of a metro service, because it is normally affecting a large set of secondary performances: e.g. punctuality, energy efficiency, economic efficiency and vehicles availability. Human behaviours are affecting the regularity, by introducing deviations between panned and actual times in various operational phases of metro services: e.g. dwelling times, acceleration/deceleration times, inversion times at terminus, headways themselves.

Management and infrastructures in a maritime coal terminal. A decision-making methodology

The objective of this paper is to analyse the operational cycles of a coal terminal to identify development scenarios, conditioned by meteo-marine conditions, layout and equipment with the aim to reduce operational times. The scenarios include the construction of an offshore breakwater limiting the wave motion in the operational area, the extension of operational quays allowing the simultaneous

Ports’ structural and operational benchmark: Methodology and application to the Mediterranean basin

Starting from morphology and equipment, a synthetic method able to provide indicators representing the ports’ performances was setup. The knowledge background, built on cartography, statistical data, port master plans and sectorial researches, required important efforts in terms of integration and homogenisation. The method’s development is based on a survey of the Mediterranean basin,

Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Passenger Transport

Functional transport systems represent an important place in terms of the population mobility and generate a prerequisite for the economic-related development among individual regions. Population mobility increase in recent decades also pushes a question regarding the sustainable development of various world economies. However, a growing need to travel brings negative environmental impacts and points to the necessity for environmental protection.

Modelling radiation damage to pixel sensors in the ATLAS detector

Silicon pixel detectors are at the core of the current and planned upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Given their close proximity to the interaction point, these detectors will be exposed to an unprecedented amount of radiation over their lifetime. The current pixel detector will receive damage from non-ionizing radiation in excess of 10(15) 1 MeV n(eq)/cm(2), while the pixel detector designed for the high-luminosity LHC must cope with an order of magnitude larger fluence. This paper presents a digitization model incorporating effects of radiation damage to the pixel sensors.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma