
Why universities and scientific world should stay away from the tobacco industry. Journey in Big Tobacco deception

Universities are institutions dedicated to improving life through the research and dissemination of knowledge. They facilitates the "peer to peer" communication among young people; the acquisition of knowledge and skills to improve personal and community health; the propagation of healthy lifestyles through the emulation of behavior.

“Il fattore “D” nell'università italiana: il caso delle economiste

Il concetto di diversità nella professione economica ha ricevuto nuovo impulso a seguito del recente dibattito pubblico sullo stato di salute della professione indotto dal fallimento, da parte di molti economisti, nell’intrepretare i segnali e nell’anticipare la recente crisi finanziaria. Il paper fornisce un contributo all'analisi del grado di diversità tra gli economisti accademici italiani.

Measuring the contribution of higher education to innovation capacity in the EU

The general goals of the study include the provision of evidence on the key factors determining the contribution of higher education institutions (HEIs) to innovation capabilities and expand the understanding of this contribution beyond traditional measures of the role of HEI on innovation capabilities. In this context, the general objective of the study could be verbalised as “to develop a more comprehensive model of the contribution of higher education to innovation capacity”.

Knowledge transfer, university system and networking settings in competitive and uncompetitive regions: an international comparison

The purpose of this paper is to analyse knowledge transfer in the university system and networking settings through a literature review and by adopting, in the future, an international comparison between competitive and uncompetitive regions in the current scenario (Huggins, Johnston, 2009). Following this aim, the paper presents the characteristics and differences between social and capital networks (Aiken, 2010; Chakrabarti, Rice 2003; Cheng-Nan et al.

Among the working papers of a paleographer: the discovery of a territory and its culture

Not long ago, the authors of this paper came across a box containing a portion of the archive of Vincenzo Federici. This discovery gave rise to a research project that involved the location, analysis, and archival arrangement of the remaining part of the archive, and the study of sources found in other archives to reconstruct the many aspects of the activity of a multifaceted academic character.

Characterizing the heterogeneity of European higher education institutions combining cluster and efficiency analyses

The heterogeneity of the Higher Education (HE) Institutions is one of the main critical issues to address properly the assessment of systemic performance. We adopt a multi-level perspective by combining national (macro) and institution (micro) level data and analyses. We combine clustering and efficiency analysis to characterize the heterogeneity of HE systems (at the national level) exploiting micro level data. We show also the potential of using micro level data to characterize national level performance.

The condom use among young adults and its determinants. An Italian study

Numerous health risk behaviours have been identified as an issue in early adulthood, especially among university students, a particularly high-risk category for sexual and reproductive health. The aim of this study is to examine the condom use and its determinants among young adult in Italy. The hypothesis is that individuals’ demographic characteristics (gender, faculty, to have a committed partner, to be resident) and the risk perception may play a role in condom use.

Promoting communication, cultural diversity and solidarity inside organizations. The educational European project Codes

The October first 2017 is the opening day of the three-years European project Codes – Communication Diversity Solidarity. Its goal is to design a course focused on intercultural competencies. Such course is intended to train future experts in this field that will be working as “attachés of the communication for cultural diversity” in several types of organizations.

Key skills for the students of tomorrow: a cross-sectional survey among school teachers and university lecturers

The survey here presented is part of the Horizon 2020 “Up2University” (Up2U) project, aiming at bridging the gap between school and university by promoting learners’ acquisition of crucial skills through formal and informal learning so to let them be successful and achieve challenging goals in the modern-day knowledge and network society.

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