
Évolution historique et développements récents des politiques publiques en Italie

The aim of our research is to analyze the evolution of public policies in Italy. These policies are undergoing
profound changes in Italy and in Europe as a result of changes in the structure by sex and age of the population
and the social and economic consequences of these changes. Did the Italian policies take into account those
changes ? What has been the role played by the economic and institutional factors in the evolution of policies ?
The second objective of this research is to examine how the public policies adopted in Italy over the past forty

SME Approaching Emerging Issues

The aim of this essay is to investigate the integrated welfare and disclosure by proposing emerging issues in the contemporary scenario. Following a theoretical approach, the essay proposes a conceptual study introducing an updated literature analysis. In this way, the implications of the essay are directed to academic communities and policymakers.

Poveri lavoratori, nuovi bisogni e modelli universalistici di welfare: quali tutele?

Il saggio costituisce una riflessione sul concetto di bisogno nel sostegno al reddito, alla luce della conformazione assunta dal mercato del lavoro e della crescente presenza di lavoratori in situazione di povertà. La ricognizione, anche in prospettiva diacronica, degli strumenti di sostegno al reddito predisposti dal legislatore nazionale conduce l’A.

Invertebrates and humans: attitudes, ethics, and policy

In this contribution we will first briefly describe different ways in which invertebrates are part of our lives and how we interact with them. A special focus is the use of invertebrates in scientific research. After a review of the major fields of investigation utilizing invertebrates, we will argue that their use in research consti- tutes an interesting and inspiring case study. As an example, the relatively recent European legislation on the protection of animals in scientific procedures now contemplates cephalopods.

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