
Teodolinda, una regina tra eccezione e normalità: qualche riflessione

Partendo da un esame delle testimonianze contemporanee su Teodolinda e analizzando i temi e le indicazioni che emergono dalle fonti del regno longobardo che parlano di lei – in particolare Paolo Diacono – si ricavano alcuni elementi culturali che vanno al di là del caso singolo ed eccezionale ed aiutano a comprendere qualcosa del ruolo affidato alle regine e più in generale della considerazione verso la donna nelle leggi e nella società del regno.

Toxoplasmosis and knowledge. What do the Italian women know about?

Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonotic infectious disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. This infection is estimated to affect about a third of the world’s population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of Italian women about toxoplasmosis and its forms of transmission, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and prevention through two different modalities (e-research and traditional research).

The Two Faces of Economic Forecasting in Italy: Vera Cao Pinna and Almerina Ipsevich

The marginalization of women in economics has a history as long as the discipline itself. Throughout the history of economics, women contributed substantial novel ideas, methods of inquiry, and analytical insights, with much of this discounted, ignored, or shifted into alternative disciplines and writing outlets.

Rossi V., Tripodi F., NIMBI F.M., Simonelli C., Porpora M.G. (2018). Psychological functioning of vulvodynia and endometriosis patients: a comparative study. 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Objective: The DSM 5 category “Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration disorder” (GPPPD) collects clinical
conditions characterized by different psychological profiles. Vulvodynia and endometriosis are diseases
related to genital sexual pain whose etiologies is still unclear. The objective of the present study was to
investigate the differences between vulvodynia and endometriosis patients in terms of psychological
Design and Method: 32 women with genito-pelvic pain, 16 with vulvodynia (VG, mean age 31.75±6.92) and

Rossi V., Tripodi F., NIMBI F.M., Simonelli C. (2018). Genital sexual pain in reproductive-age women: an explorative study. 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Objective: Genital Sexual Pain (GSP) is a common symptom in reproductive-age women. Although this
complaint could negatively affect the quality of sex life, there is still a lack of awareness about it in the female
population. The objective of the present study was to explore the presence of GSP in reproductive-age
women, the characteristics of pain (duration, location, etiology), the way women deal with the symptom, and
their sexual functioning.
Design and Method: 653 women (mean age 25.7±4.37) were recruited with snowball method. Participants

Simonelli C., NIMBI F.M. (2018). Is high sexual desire a risk for women's relationship and sexual well-being? 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

There is no univocal way to describe sexual desire, as far as it is more complex than any other sexual
process. In general, a leading gender stereotype states that men are more interested in sex than women
purely for physical reasons. Nowadays, it is slowly moving towards a holistic understanding of the sexual
function in men and women. More than between genders, recent studies are now focusing on the variance
within sexes and the differences inside the dyads highlighting the “couple discrepancy” as the most common

Vicarious ostracism: behavioral responses of women observing an ostracized gay man

Research on vicarious ostracism showed that people observing another person ostracized try to support him or her and punish the perpetrators. The current brief report investigated the effect of observing an ostracized or included gay man (vs. heterosexual man), among 87 Italian female university students. They firstly observed a first interaction game named Cyberball and then took part in a second Cyberball with the same fictitious players.

Power dressing. Women and power

The relationship between fashion and power has always been controversial. On the one hand power used fashion to represent itself, on the other side power distanced itself from fashion, considered too frivolous and unstable. So, accordingly to classical literature, power became the realm of men and fashion was the way women used to find their role in society (Simmel, Veblen).

Toward the theory of enterprise: dialogue between business and economics women scholars

Studies on gender accounting are quite recent. Drawing upon criticism of dominant economic theories as developed within Feminist Economics, this paper aims to provide an original contribution to studies on gender accounting by establishing whether the (male) assumptions of the theory of the enterprise can be submitted to critical revision. As a foray into a field of research that we intend to further explore in the future, this paper focuses on the work of Italian women scholars Isa Marchini and Rosella Ferraris Franceschi.

Michel'Angelo Giacomelli. Aristofane. II: Lisistrata. Testo originale

Giacomelli, Michelangelo (1695 - 1774), Arcivescovo di Calcedonia, editore di autori pagani e cristiani, amico di J.J. Winckelmann cominciò a lavorare a una traduzione in versi annotata della Lisistrata all'inizio degli anni '50, cui fecero seguito le Arringatrici (= Ecclesiazuse). In vista della loro pubblicazione tali lavori furono trascritti su una copia calligrafica redatta da Vincenzo Cavazzi destinata alla tipografia, ma la materia oscena delle due traduzioni, disdicevole per un uomo di Chiesa, impedì la messa in atto della loro pubblicazione.

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