Parigi verso la transizione ecologica

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Fratini Fabiola
ISSN: 0392-8608

Paris climate challenge began in 2001 with Mayor Bertrand Delanoë, supported by a socialist and green majority, committed to transforming the city into an eco-capital. The goal is strengthened by the political continuity and the election, in 2014, of Anne Hidalgo. The Paris Conference on Climate Change (2015) has to be considered one more step towards the city ecological transition.
The innovative tools implemented by the city to reach the goal of -75% emissions in 2050 include, among others, the Plan Climat and the Plan Biodiversité. Less pollution and more nature in the city are the core goals of the main city policies.
In this framework, the ÉcoQuartier experimentations gain an important role. But the urban models inspired by the ecological transition that can be observed in Paris don’t seem to represent an alternative and innovative way of building the city. Among them Clichy – Batignolles can be considered the best urban model built in Paris able to tackle the climate challenge as well as pursue urban quality and green expectations.

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