The polarizability of an alternative sequence of isotropic and radially anisotropic multilayer sphere
04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Batool S., Nisar M., Mangini F., Frezza F.
In this article, the polarizability of a multilayer sphere thatconsists of an alternative sequence of layers of isotropic andspherically radially anisotropic (SRA) material has been in-vestigated. Within each SRA layer, components of the ten-sor permittivity have different values in radial and tangen-tial directions. The mathematical treatment for extractingelectrostatic polarizability has been formulated in terms ofscattered potentials. Obtained results have been used to de-scribe the behavior of a whole sphere as a function of num-ber of the isotropic and SRA alternating layers using a nu-merical approach.