Resource Matter Material. Reuse as a technical option for sustainable design

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Altamura Paola, Baiani Serena
ISSN: 2420-8213

The proposed contribution, in response to the EU objectives on Resource Efficiency and Circular
Economy, offers a detailed overview of the most up-to-date international experiences on the reuse
of materials in architecture, illustrating in particular the peculiarities of the practices and context
conditions on the closed-loop use of materials in the building sector in Italy. The objective of the
present study, in particular, is to examine the feasibility at national level of the reuse strategy, in
continuity with the practices constantly carried out in our country from antiquity to the industrial
revolution, and to verify the current applicability of superuse (reuse) and upcycling (recycling)
practices outside an occasional logic, as reliable and replicable technical options at the supply chain
level. The reference framework for reuse practices is therefore delineated, highlighting the
innovations from the theoretical, methodological and disciplinary point of view, outlining an
articulated framework of the most up-to-date international experiences on the topic, with the aim of
promoting the dissemination of international best practices. research, planning and construction on
superuse and upcycling practices in architecture.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma