
Electrically-shielded and sound-proof chamber for the recording of multi-electrode high resolution EEG activity and control EOG, ECG, and EMG activity in humans in conditions of quiet vigilance or sensory, cognitive, and motor tasks. Platform for an advanced quantitative data analysis.  

Fonte di Finanziamento: 
Attrezzatura acquisita con altri fondi
Nome e acronimo del laboratorio o locale che ospita l'attrezzatura: 
Laboratory of Neuroscience of Human Higher Functions / High Resolution EEG
CU027 - Fisiologia Umana Farmacia e Medicina
Servizi offerti: 
Recording of EEG, EOG, EMG, and ECG activity in conditions of resting state or sensory, cognitive, and motor tasks in humans. Advanced analysis of that activity for research and clinical applications as well as development of new biotechnologies
Del Percio
Numero di utenti per anno: 
Elenco Imprese utenti: 
IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Roma
Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS),
IRCCS Oasi Maria Santissima, Troina (Enna)
Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS),
IRCCS SDN per la Ricerca e l’Alta Formazione in Diagnostica Nucleare, Napoli
Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS),
IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio, Brescia
Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS),
Elenco altri utenti: 
Utilizzo per ricerca clinica: 
Policlinico Umberto I
Ricavi - trasferimenti interni: 
fatture emesse: 
spese manutenzione: 
Description of research activity: 
Our EEG studies globally aimed at understanding neurophysiological mechanisms of cortical neural synchronization of cerebral cortex activity underpinning vigilance, sensorimotor, and cognitive functions in humans. Most of them focused on the spatial and frequency features of oscillatory activity of large cortical neural populations during those physiological conditions in both healthy subjects and patients with motor and cognitive deficits. That oscillatory activity opens and closes thalamocortical and cortico-thalamic neural gates with excitatory or inhibitory effects in the related information processing. The study of that EEG activity in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease, Dementia with Lewy Body, Multiple sclerosis, and HIV has been primarily carried out with neurophysiological intents. That study aimed at understanding (1) the role of ascending cholinergic and dopaminergic systems, and the structural integrity of the brain, on those neurophysiological mechanisms and then, the related higher functions. In other words, our studies of Clinical Neurophysiology represented an opportunity to investigate the functions of those brain functional connection systems in humans with non-invasive techniques by the “mirror” images observed in patients with brain disorders. Our EEG studies in Alzheimers’ disease (AD) have been focused on resting state EEG rhythms as markers of cortical arousal in quiet vigilance in normal elderly (Nold), amnesic mild cognitive impairment (ADMCI), and dementia (ADD) subjects. Results showed that cortical sources of delta (<4 Hz) and low-frequency alpha (8-10.5 Hz) rhythms were abnormal in ADD and ADMCI patients compared to Nold subjects. Furthermore, the activity of these sources showed higher abnormality over time in both ADD and ADMCI patients. Moreover, this activity was related to the following markers used for the assessment of ADMCI and ADD patients: global cognitive status as revealed by the mini-mental state evaluation score, immediate memory, genetic factor risks, and structural magnetic resonance imaging of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Finally, the activity of these sources showed different abnormalities in ADD patients compared with those with Parkinson's disease and disease with Lewy bodies (DLB). These results led support to a model about the different effects of cholinerigic and dopaminergic ascending systems on thalamus-cortical neural synchronization mechanisms underpinning quiet vigilance, explaining in part cognitive deficits in those patients. As a secondary byproduct, our EEG studies in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease, Dementia with Lewy Body, Multiple sclerosis and HIV have been contributing to the development and validation of EEG markers for diagnostic, prognostic or monitoring purposes in patients with the mentioned pathological conditions. The impact of those studies has generated the condition allowing my election as “Chair” of the Electrophysiology Professional Interest Area (E-PIA) of the international Alzheimer’s Association (ISTAART) Our EEG studies have been focused on brain activity related to cognitive functions in people with weight disorders to test the hypothesis of brain neural inefficiency in the processing of food and body image stimuli in obese and underweight subjects. Results showed some abnormal EEG activity of obese and underweight subjects during attention task using food or body image visual stimuli, thus suggesting that body weight homeostasis may depend on attention to food and body image information contents. Our EEG studies on nociception have been focused on anticipatory alpha (8-12 Hz) rhythms preceding warned pain stimuli at rest and during voluntary movements of the ipsilateral or contralateral hand. Results showed a gating of anticipatory cortical activity (i.e. desynchronization of alpha rhythms) over primary sensorimotor area ipsilateral to both pain stimuli and voluntary hand movements when compared to anticipatory cortical activity related to resting condition or the event of ipsilateral pain stimulus associated with contralateral voluntary movement. In addition, the perception of the pain was reduced in the case of simultaneous pain and voluntary movements at the same side. Our EEG studies in elite athletes have been focused on cortical arousal during resting state and cognitive-motor tasks to test the hypothesis of neural brain efficiency in experts, as revealed by ample resting state alpha (8-12 Hz) rhythms and selected event-related cortical activity. Results showed that in elite athletes (i.e. karate, fencing, golf, shooters), cortical neural synchronization mechanisms at alpha frequency indice a brain efficiency in controlling the general arousal in several experimental conditions (i.e. voluntary movement, movement observation, focused attention) but not all (i.e. balance, complex sensorimotor and visual information processing). These results suggest that expert brain follows neurophysiological principles of neural “flexibility” of the activation rather then always that of neural efficiency.
Description of Third Mission activity: 
Dissemination of cognitive neurosciences in seminars for general public and students of high schools (Alternanza scuola laboro, Percorsi per la formazione di competenze trasversali)
Description of educational/training activity: 
Master degree and PhD theses in Neurophysiology, Post-doc research in Neurophysiology, ERASMUS+ traineeships for foreign fellows
Description of other activities: 
Research expeditions that Prof. Claudio Babiloni has led as either Coordinator of the Consortium or only Principal Investigator of his Research Unit. This reflects his ability to conduct ground-breaking research and produce creative independent thinking. They are also examples of leadership in industrial innovation or design, namely projects financed by private funds of Pharmacological industries and Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) such as MENTISCURA, COOPERATIVA LA TRACCIA; and ALTOIDA, etc. 1) INTERNATIONAL Call and Sponsor: EUROPEAN COMMISSION 7TH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME IMI Call topic: IMI_Call_2008_1_11: Neurodegenerative Disorders IMI-1 Joint Undertaking Grant Agreement: 115009 Title of the project: Prediction of cognitive properties of new drug candidates for neurodegenerative diseases in early clinical development. (PHARMA-COG; Project duration: 72 months (2010-2015) Applicant: Dr Jill Richardson, GlaxoSmithKline (UK) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for University of Foggia: € 568,000 2) INTERNATIONAL Call and Sponsor: EUROPEAN COMMISSION 7TH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME CAPACITIES - RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES CALL IDENTIFIER: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-2 Grant Agreement: RI-261593 Title of the project: Diagnostic enhancement of confidence by an International distributed environment (proposal acronym: DECIDE; Project duration: 42 months (2010-2013) Applicant: Dr. Laura Leone, Consortium “Gestione Ampliamento Rete Ricerca” (GARR) of Rome (Italy). Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for the University of Foggia: € 148,000. 3) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL STRATEGIC PROGRAM OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH Grant Agreement: RF-REL-2.2011 Title of the project: Diagnosis of incipient Alzheimer disease: development of ADNI-based imaging markers for use by the National Health System (Italian-ADNI) Project duration: 36 months (2010-2013) Applicant: Dr. Giovanni Frisoni, IRCCS Hospital S. Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli of Brescia (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for the University of Foggia: € 58,000. 4) ITALIAN Sponsor: Viiv Healthcare Italia Title of the project: Brainwaves in HIV (EEG-HIV) Applicant for donation: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Foggia (Italy) Project duration: 24 months (2011-2012) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for the University of Foggia: € 15,000. 5) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: GRANT FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH, 2008 Ministero della Salute – Direzione Generale della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica Grant Agreement: GR-2008-1143090 Title of the project: Does rehabilitation with a 10-Hz sensory stimulation improve brain rhythms and cognitive-motor performance in neurological patients? Towards Internet-based clinical applications at subjects (10-Hz rehabilitation) Project duration: 48 months (2012-2015) Applicant: Dr. Claudio Del Percio, IRCCS Hospital San Raffaele Pisana of Rome (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia Funding for the University of Foggia: € 120,000. 6) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: GRANT FOR NETWORKS OF SCIENTIFIC LABS Grant Agreement: Grant Agreement: PO Puglia FESR, Asse I, Linea 1.2, 2007-2013, PO Puglia FES 2007-2013, Asse IV. Title of the project: Network of labs for innovation in the field of functional foods (LA.I.F.F.) Project duration: 48 months (2012-2015) Applicant: Prof. Matteo Del Nobile, Department BioAgroMed of University of Foggia (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 115,000. 7) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: GRANT FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH Grant Agreement: GR-2008-1143091 Title of the project: Prediction of cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subjects carrying genetic risk factors based on quantitative EEG and transcranial magnetic stimulation markers (EEGPredictAD) Project duration: 48 months (2012-2015) Applicant: Dr. Fabrizio Vecchio, IRCCS Hospital Oasi Maria SS of Troina, Enna (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for the University of Foggia: € 110,000. 8) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: NATIONAL OPERATIVE PLAN OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITY AND SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH (GRANT PON02_00186_2937475) Grant Agreement: 6573 Title of the project: Technological and innovative clinical protocols for the production of functional foods (Pro.Ali.Fun.) Project duration: 48 months (2012-2015) Applicant: Prof. Agostino Sevi, D.A.Re. of University of Foggia (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 51,700. 9) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: “SMART CITIES” CALL OF NATIONAL OPERATIVE PLAN OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITY AND SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH (GRANT PON04a2_C) Grant Agreement: 6573 Title of the project: SMART HEALTH 2.0 (SH2.0) Project duration: 48 months (2012-2015) Applicant: Dr. Marco Scandelin, Noemalife, s.r.l. (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Consultant of University of Bari (Principal Investigator: Prof. Loreto Gesualdo, Department DETO, Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 100,000. 10) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2013, Grant Agreement: prot. C26A13WKEJ Title of the project: Multi-scale markers of cholinergic neurotransmission and on-going EEG rhythms in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (TASTPM) Project duration: 12 months (2013-2014) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 12,000. 11) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL STRATEGIC PROGRAM OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH Grant Agreement: RF-2010-2319113 Title of the project: GRID-based System for the Evaluation of the effects of Cognitive Rehabilitation in Patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s Disease (GRIDCORE) Project duration: 48 months (2013-2016) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, IRCCS Hospital S. Raffaele Pisana, Rome (Italy). Funding for the Research Unit: € 110,000. 12) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL STRATEGIC PROGRAM OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITY AND SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH Grant Agreement: 2010SH7H3F Title of the project: Functional connectivity and neuroplasticity in physiological and pathological aging (CONNAGE) Project duration: 36 months (2013-2015) Applicant: Prof. Paolo Rossini, Catholic University of Rome (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Foggia (Italy) Funding for the University of Foggia: € 121,000. 13) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL STRATEGIC PROGRAM OF ITALIAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH Grant Agreement: RF‐2010‐2319722 Title of the project: Italian network for autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (Italian DIANf) Project duration: 48 months (2013-2016) Applicant: Prof. Giovanni Frisoni, IRCCS Hospital S. San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli of Brescia (Italy). Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: € 28,700. 14) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2014, Grant Agreement: prot. C26A14929P Title of the project: Multi-scale markers of cholinergic neurotransmission and on-going EEG rhythms in mice undergoing to enriched environment (NEURICH) Project duration: 12 months (2014-2015) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 24,000. 15) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: Line del POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013, Regional Operative Program of MIUR (POR) of the Italian Regione Sicilia Grant Agreement: Progetto 1468 Title of the project: Virtual Environment for a Superior neuro-Psychiatry (VESPA) Applicant: Dr. Marco Pappalardo (Software engineering, Catania, Italy). Project duration: 36 months (2014-2016) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) as Subcontractor of the Sicilian Unit of IRCCS Oasi of Troina, Enna, Italy. Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: € 85,000. 16) ITALIAN Sponsor: Viiv Healthcare Italia Title of the project: Brainwaves in HIV (EEG-HIV) Applicant for research contract: Prof. Massimo Andreoni (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”). Project duration: 24 months (2014-2015) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: € 25,000. 17) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2015, Grant Agreement: prot. C26A15A5PN Title of the project: Effect of Abeta lowering drug (BACE-i ER-901356) on EEG markers inTASTPM mice. Project duration: 12 months (2015-2016) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 9,000. 18) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2016, Grant Agreement: prot. 185279 Title of the project: Does enriched environment enhance cortical connectivity and hippocampal neuroplasticity in mice? Project duration: 12 months (2016-2017) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 38,000. 19) INTERNATIONAL Sponsor: MENTISCURA Medical Device ( Title of the project: MENTISCURA TOOL. Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Project duration: 48 months (2016-2017) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: € 145,200. 20) INTERNATIONAL Sponsor: Altoida Medical Device (AMD; Title of the project: Dementia Early Screening and Disease Progression Tracking in the clinical practice by means of ALTOIDA Augmented Reality MedTech (ALTOIDA AR) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Project duration: 36 months (2017-2019) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: € 55,000. 21) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2017, Grant Agreement: prot. 185279 Title of the project: EEG markers of cortical arousal in mice with glioblastoma Project duration: 12 months (2017-2018) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 11,000. 22) INTERNATIONAL Call EU Joint Programme – JPND Neurodegenerative Disease Research 2016 call “Working Groups for Harmonization and Alignment in Brain Imaging Methods for Neurodegeneration” Grant Agreement: FNS 31ND30_171200 Title of the project: Harmonization of acquisition and processing of Brain Imaging Biomarkers for Neurodegenerative Diseases: A strategic Research Agenda for best-practice guidelines (SRA-NED) Project duration: 9 months (2016-2017) Applicant: Prof. Giovanni Frisoni, University of Genève (Switzerland). Prof. Claudio Babiloni is the Working Group Leader of EEG biomarkers (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy) Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: financial reimbursement for the participation to the meetings of the Working Group Leader of EEG biomarkers. 23) INTERNATIONAL HORIZON 2020, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks; MSCA-ITN-ETN) Grant Agreement: 721281 Title of the project: Blood Biomarker-based Diagnostic Tools for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease (BBDiag) Project duration: 48 months (2017-2020) Applicant: Prof. Genhua Pan (University of Plymouth, UK). Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) and Scientific Responsible for two early stage researchers, namely Mrs. Jessica Janson (Germany) and Mrs. Marina Blūma Selivanova (Russia). Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: € 495,448.64. 24) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ““Horizon 2020” PONI&C 2014-2020 del MIUR Title of the project: Innovative platform for the prediction of the progression of chronic renal disease, therapy response, and poractive assitence (PRE.MED.) Project duration: 12 months (2017-2018) Applicant: Dr. Domenico Coiro, Cooperativa EDP La Traccia, s.r.l. of Matera (Italy) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) as Subcontractor of Cooperativa EDP La Traccia s.r.l. Funding for the Research Unit: € 20,000. 25) ITALIAN Sponsor: Viiv Healthcare Italia Title of the project: Brainwaves in HIV (EEG-HIV) Applicant for donation: Prof. Claudio Babiloni. Project duration: 24 months (2018) Prof. Claudio Babiloni is Principal Investigator of a Research Unit of University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the University of Rome “La Sapienza”: € 15,000. 26) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2018, Grant Agreement: prot. RM11816427CB2626 Title of the project: "Cortical functional connectivity in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal qEEG study” Project duration: 12 months (2018-2019) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 10,000. 27) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2019, Grant Agreement: prot. RG11916B865DA8F6 Title of the project: " Cortical source activities of resting state electroencephalographic (rsEEG) rhythms in patients with Alzheimer's disease dementia and epilepsy” Project duration: 12 months (2018-2019) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 34,000 + € 23,787 for an annual contract of fellowship = € 57,787. 28) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2020, Grant Agreement: prot. CC120172B3B6A65C Title of the project: "Ten webinars on brain oscillatory activities underpinning sleep-wake cycle and higher functions and dysfunctions“ Project duration: 12 months (2020-2021) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Applicant: € 3,000. 29) ITALIAN Call and Sponsor: ANNUAL RESEARCH CALL OF SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME 2020, Grant Agreement: prot. RM120172B3AC2210 Title of the project: " Cortical source activities of resting state electroencephalographic (rsEEG) rhythms in patients with mild cognitive impairment and epileptiform activity” Project duration: 12 months (2021-2022) Applicant: Prof. Claudio Babiloni, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Funding for the Research Unit: € 10,000
Responsabile dell'Attrezzatura:
Settore ERC: 
Ambiti tecnologici trasversali - Key Enabling Technologies: 
Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
Keyword iris: 
brain rhythms
Cognitive functions
Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders
Alzheimer's disease dementia (ADD)
Alzheimer's related dementias
Stato dell'attrezzatura: 
In funzione

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma