Role of autophagy in controlling cancer cell lipid-storing phenotype

Proponente -
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca
Componente Categoria
Luana Tomaipitinca Dottorando/Assegnista/Specializzando componente il gruppo di ricerca / PhD/Assegnista/Specializzando member of the research group
Lucia Monaco Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Antonio Filippini Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Claudia Giampietri Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Anna Riccioli Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Componente Qualifica Struttura Categoria
Simonetta Petrungaro EP Scienze Anatomiche, Istologiche, Medico Legali e dell'Apparato Locomotore Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution
Donatella Starace D Scienze Anatomiche, Istologiche, Medico Legali e dell'Apparato Locomotore Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution

Lipid levels within the cells appear to have a role in oncogenesis and inhibition of lipogenic enzymes (such as fatty acid synthase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase) is able to counteract growth of different tumors (Johnson D.L et al. Trends Endocrinol Metab.2016). To date, lipid accumulation and modifications have not been extensively investigated as potential cancer prognostic factors or therapeutic targets in various cancers.
Autophagy, a highly conserved mechanism originally described in yeast, allows the turnover of cellular components and damaged organelles through double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes, which fuse with lysosomes enabling autophagic substrates degradation by lysosomal enzymes and monomeric units recycle (Liu S et al., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2010). Recently the ability of autophagy to mobilize intracellular lipid stores has been described, indicating autophagy modulation as an eligible way to control the amount and the quality of lipids in cancer cells, and several autophagic modulators are already being used in cancer clinical trials. Here, we propose to assess lipidomic networks and changes in the expression of lipid-related and/or autophagy genes in different tumor cell lines (prostate, breast and melanoma cancer cell lines). Moreover, we will evaluate the hypothesis that autophagy modulation might affect lipid composition counteracting tumor growth.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma