The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters causes considerable losses and damages in cities and regions throughout the world: among them earthquakes represent one of the highest threads for human settlement, and also a challenge for a range of disciplines addressed to cities and territories.
The construction of a cognitive framework dedicated to territorial knowledge based on relief and on a strong historical background for tackling restoration and recovery at the building, urban and territorial scales, results as a priority and might make substantial difference in terms of outcomes and results. Each seismic event produces different impacts on cities and territories, according to a range of factors, which regards the nature of the event, but also of the specific localities where it happens, in terms of socio-economic, cultural, institutional and administrative characters.
Research goals are directly connected to the ¿priorities for action¿ emerging from the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030" by UNISDR.
Research improves an interdisciplinary methodology which allows and also promotes a continue and long-lasting process which goes from territorial knowledge to planning and to management, which will serve both the usual-ordinary urban/territorial functions, and those emerging during a catastrophic event, helping at better facing the emergency and also the recovery phase. The objective of this research programme is to define a methodology starting from a preliminary draft to prove it, applying it on the Central Italy territory, hit by the sequence of earthquakes started in the Summer 2016. The methodology has been sketched through the convergence of different discipline, their approaches and tools: architectural design, representation and relief of historical buildings and urban complexes in particular, architecture and landscape restoration, history (architecture, urban and territorial history), urban and regional planning.