Integrated Platform for phenotypic, functional, and molecular profiles of mouse models
In this project we propose to build a multi-disciplinary and multi-technological platform to address the phenotypic, functional, and molecular characterization of genetic modified mice. This is of utility for translating the information stored in the human genome into increasingly accurate models of human disease. The "Platform", consisting of different experimental units, such as morphology, functional & behavioral, molecular biology, metabolic, microsurgery, and diagnostic fertility unit, is designed to assist the researcher in dealing with the characterization of the mouse models, through specific analysis and standardized procedures. Our project aims to standardize the phenotyping procedures and to assist investigators in their experimental design and execution by providing an extensive baseline phenotypic profile of mice and specific morphological, functional and molecular analysis. This novel platform enables also preclinical research on primary defects in order to test new treatment options. In this context, the platform provides investigators with a central high-quality microsurgical service to design and develop models that require microsurgery in small animals that allow investigators to test their hypothesis.
Of note, most of the "hubs" related to the platform (functional unit, performance and metabolic unit, molecular biology unit, microsurgery unit, diagnostic fertility unit) are already activated and equipped. We would like to expand and implement the morphology unit for the analysis of immunophenotyping of complex structures. Several approaches can be proposed, according to our expertise. This platform intends to capitalize the investment already made in the generation of several mouse models, offering to the research community the opportunity to analyse the models at different and professional levels.