Padiglione francese. Autorganizzazione e "luoghi infiniti"

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Cellamare Carlo
ISSN: 0392-8608

The contribution aims to resume and discuss the theme of self-organization and re-appropriation of places, which is taken up in the French pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, curated by Encore Heureux (Nicolas Delon, Julien Choppin and Sébastien Heymard) and dedicated to "Lieux Infinis / Infinite Places". Through a very attractive and engaging set-up and above all through the (often evocative) words of the direct protagonists, the theme is developed with reference to ten main case studies. They are not just participatory planning processes, but experiences of production and reproduction of space starting from the inhabitants and from associations and committees of people involved in the social world (for example on the theme of hospitality) or culture and art. These are increasingly relevant experiences in the panorama of recent urban transformation, rich in social meanings and cultural and symbolic values. The contribution, in particular, develops some general reflections, starting from the author’s research paths, on some main themes: the relationship between self-organization and daily life, the rethinking of the role of the designer, a renewed political attention.

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