Application of Neuro-Marketing techniques to the wine tasting experience
Neuro-marketing (neuroscience applied to marketing aims) has been already used for evaluating consumers’ preferences within the food and agricultural sector (Cherubino et al., 2017), in food tasting and olfaction experiments (Di Flumeri et al., 2016, 2017), as well as in the wine tasting (Horska E., et al, 2016). Aim of this pilot study is to investigate whether or not the sense of olfaction represents a statistically significant variable in the experience of wine tasting. In order to do so, the research has envisioned an experimental protocol that takes into account methods and techniques typical of the neuroscience: an electroencephalographic index, assumed as an indicator of approach or withdrawal (AW) motivation (Davidson et al. 1990), and an autonomic index (Emotional Index – EI), deriving from the matching of heart rate and galvanic skin response activity - considered an indicator of emotional involvement (Vecchiato et al., 2014). The experiment has provided the degustation of two types of Italian wines, and the process has been divided in two phases as well: smell and tasting (tasting that, in turn, has been subdivided in the phases: tasting with Open Nose and tasting with Closed nose). Results of this pilot research showed a statistically significant increase of the EI values in correspondence of the wine smelling phase in comparison with the other two phases of tasting with and without olfactory component (Smell phase (p