Electromagnetic interaction with a monodispersed system in sedimentation equilibrium
In this paper, a new model to explain the electromagneticinteraction with a monodispersed system in sedimentationequilibrium is presented. Our approach is based on the dis-persive system as constituted by a large number of strat-ification each characterized a constant particle concentra-tion. The interaction between the electromagnetic field andthe stratified material is taken into consideration thanks tothe T-matrix approach. The concentration of these mediavaries with continuity along the stratified direction. A hostmedium constitutes each layer, and it is also assumed to beidentical for all layers in which some nano-spherical objectsare immersed. Thanks to these hypotheses, the homoge-nization mixing formula has been taking into account. Thereached results show the behavior of the stratified mediumas a function of the density for the spherical hosted objectand as a function of angular incident direction.