CREAMY (Italo Calvino REpository for Analysis of Multilingual phraseologY): Presentazione di una ricerca nell’ambito della fraseologia contrastiva

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Koesters Gensini Sabine E., Bottoni Paolo Gaspare

In this article we present an interdisciplinary research of multilingual contrastive phraseology on phraseological expressions in the literary work in prose of Italo Calvino and in its translations in 15 different languages. Every phraseme, as well as every translation in foreign languages has been lemmatized and described according to a series of lexicological and lexicographical parameters. In addition, in terms of both information technology and language, the CREAMY application is presented: It allows not only to systematically inventory all the descriptive data of the single phraseological expressions, but also to extract them through an analysis function based on all the parameters described both in Italian and in various foreign languages.

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