

Para avanzar en igualdad resulta necesario hacerlo en dos direcciones distintas
y en sentido diverso entre hombres y mujeres, pues el valor de lo humano está tanto
en las formas privadas de vida como en la vida social y profesional. Ambas constituyen
esferas complementarias, las dos caras de una misma moneda. Sería un proyecto
fallido e incompleto considerar que sólo las mujeres deben recorrer el camino de los
derechos, como si fuese una licencia alcanzada por los hombres que ellas reivindican

An apparent freedom. Micromachismo in the resexualization of female bodies in italian fashion advertising

The paper regards women portrayals in the Italian fashion advertising and aims to
record a possible evolution in gender images since the Seventies, assuming the presence of
different stereotypes, less blatant than in the past. The study is about female portrayals in
Vogue Italia’s advertisements from 1964 to 2013, with a content-analysis on 1356 ads and
1933 models. The coding scheme used for this analysis was based on the one developed by
sociologist Erving Goffman in the 1970s. The study reveals that women images in the Italian


Adjusted to political correctness, new ways of formal equality offer a superficial sense of respect for the rights and opportunities of women. However, this formal recognition does not guarantee social justice. On the contrary, it becomes a reinforced obstacle while declaring legal equality, not corresponding to the social dynamics of integration and equal opportunities for women.

Micromachoism and gender violence. An investigation into subtle sexism in italian and spanish journalism

Il contributo consiste nella presentazione delle basi teoriche e dell’impianto metodologico di un progetto di ricerca sul micromachismo nel giornalismo italiano, volto a ricercare frame, costrutti narrativi ed espressioni linguistiche caratterizzati da forme sottili di sessismo, alla luce di quello che Glick e Fiske chiamano “sessismo benevolo” (1996) e Bonino Mendez “micromachismo” (1991).

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