Inequality of opportunity in tertiary education in Europe

13 Altro ministeriale
Palmisano Flaviana, Peragine Vito, Biagi Federico
ISSN: 2467-2203

This report provides comparable estimates of inequality of opportunity for tertiary education for about 30 countries in Europe, exploiting the two EU-SILC waves for which information on family background is available (2005 and 2011). It exploits the two point-in-time observations available for most of the countries and analyzes the relationship between many institutional dimensions and inequality of opportunity in tertiary education. Although inequality of opportunity in tertiary education varies a lot across countries, parental education and occupation seem to be the most relevant circumstances for almost all of them. We also find evidence of positive correlation between inequality of opportunity for tertiary education and different features of the educational system.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma