social media

The limited reach of fake news on Twitter during 2019 European elections

The advent of social media changed the way we consume content, favoring a disintermediated access to, and production of information. This scenario has been matter of critical discussion about its impact on society, magnified in the case of the Arab Springs or heavily criticized during Brexit and the 2016 U.S. elections. In this work we explore information consumption on Twitter during the 2019 European Parliament electoral campaign by analyzing the interaction patterns of official news outlets, disinformation outlets, politicians, people from the showbiz and many others.

Leggere Gomorra – La serie nel frame della Celebrity Culture: audience, fan, micro-celebrities

Gomorra è certamente un titolo di successo, sia nella sua versione editoriale, che in quella filmica, teatrale e televisiva. Un titolo che per alcuni versi può essere considerato a tutti gli effetti un vero e proprio brand, capace di traghettare il suo valore di mercato da un medium all’altro, proponendosi come eccellente esempio di transmedia storytelling.

L'agenda pubblica nella campagna elettorale. Un caso di "interrelated agenda"

Di fronte a una ormai evidente trasformazione dell’attuale ecosistema mediale frutto della moltiplicazione/frammentazione dello spazio pubblico, si registra una lacuna negli studi che non sono ancora in grado di far luce sui meccanismi che regolano la costruzione dell’agenda pubblica. Le numerose ricerche fin qui condotte, con riferimento al framework teorico dell’agenda building e dell’intermedia agenda setting, esibiscono in larghissima parte un research gap comune, ovvero l’assenza di un approccio che prenda simultaneamente in considerazione diversi media.

Niente di nuovo sul fronte mediale. Agenda pubblica e campagna elettorale

A fronte di una moltiplicazione degli spazi informativi e di un ecosistema mediale mutato nelle relazioni fra contenuti online e offline, ci si chiede sempre più spesso se ciò non abbia prodotto una frammentazione dell’agenda pubblica. Ma è realmente così? Possiamo davvero dire che siamo di fronte a un’agenda pubblica che si rivolge a pubblici dispersi, inseguiti dagli attori politici nell’intento di indirizzarli verso rivoli sempre più polarizzati e faziosi?

News users on Facebook. Interaction Strategies on the pages of El Paìs, la Repubblica, Le Monde, and The Guardian

The aim of this paper is to study journalistic production and how
news users interact with it. More specifically, the approach
adopted is an attempt to bridge the gap between the analysis of
how news outlets disseminate their news on social media
platforms, and that relating to the use of such news within social
contexts. To achieve this twofold objective, the content published
on Facebook, as well as the interactions of users of four
newspapers published in Spain (El Paìs), Italy (la Repubblica),

I discorsi d’odio online in una prospettiva comunicativa: un’agenda per la ricerca

The phenomenon of hate speech has become a predominant component of public debate and a point of
great interest in academic research. Plenty of studies investigating the various expressions of hate
speech, including online hate speech, have been conducted. Despite the efforts made, however, the
outlines of this phenomenon remain extremely uncertain. In fact, limitations in the intention to reduce hate
speech to a purely legal approach is emerging. Even though the latter was originally the dominant

Rethinking Public Agenda in a Time of High-Choice Media Environment

Contemporary political communication is conditioned by an information environment characterised, on the one hand, by
increased choice, and on the other by the fragmentation and multiplication of the ways of consuming information. This article introduces the notion of the ‘interrelated public agenda’ as a frame to study this context, taking into account elements
of convergence and divergence from a single viewpoint, adopting a complex analysis model which proceeds along axes

638 May social media be a tool in promoting sexual health? Youth’s use, professional’s attitudes and current sexual education programs

Objectives: Social Media (SM) and on-line communities have
become important communication channels for young people.
The massive use of these technologies by new generations gave
rise to an international debate regarding the potential effects on
relationships and sexuality. This review aims at: highlighting
advantages and limits of SM as sexual education tool and their
impact on youth development; analyzing the attitudes of professionals
involved in sexual education programs toward SM and

Conseils sexuels par téléphone et technologies actuelles. Les lignes d’assistances téléphoniques sont-elles encore efficaces à l’ère des médias sociaux?

Les lignes d’assistance sont des services de conseil communs pour hommes etfemmes cherchant des conseils de santé, et sur des problèmes psychologiques et sexuels.Avec l’avènement des réseaux sociaux, les utilisateurs ont maintenant plus de possibilitésd’informations sur la santé sexuelle qu’auparavant.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma