Valentina Sulpizio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Common and specific activations supporting optic flow processing and navigation as revealed by a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 2024
Neural sensitivity to translational self- and object-motion velocities HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2024
Effect of optic flow on spatial updating: insight from an immersive virtual reality study EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2023
Interhemispheric interplay between the left and right premotor cortex during grasping as assessed by dynamic causal modelling SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023
Visuo-spatial attention and semantic memory competition in the parietal cortex SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023
Individual differences in mental imagery modulate effective connectivity of scene-selective regions during resting state BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 2022
Reduced Priming Effect for Visual-Spatial Perspective Taking in Patients with Severe Acquired Brain Injury ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 2022
The human middle temporal cortex responds to both active leg movements and egomotion-compatible visual motion BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 2022
Assessing the effective connectivity of premotor areas during real vs imagined grasping: a DCM-PEB approach NEUROIMAGE 2021
Preference for locomotion-compatible curved paths and forward direction of self-motion in somatomotor and visual areas CORTEX 2021
Neural representations underlying mental imagery as unveiled by representation similarity analysis BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 2021
Lower visual field preference for the visuomotor control of limb movements in the human dorsomedial parietal cortex BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 2021
Effect of exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation over prefrontal cortex in multiple sclerosis patients: a neuroimaging pilot study BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY 2021
Multisensory integration in cortical regions responding to locomotion‐related visual and somatomotor signals NEUROIMAGE 2021
Prompting future events: Effects of temporal cueing and time on task on brain preparation to action BRAIN AND COGNITION 2020
A common neural substrate for processing scenes and egomotion-compatible visual motion BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 2020
Neural bases of self- and object-motion in a naturalistic vision HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2020
Real and Imagined Grasping Movements Differently Activate the Human Dorsomedial Parietal Cortex NEUROSCIENCE 2020
The dynamic contribution of the high-level visual cortex to imagery and perception HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2019
Egomotion-related visual areas respond to active leg movements HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2019

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma