Titolo |
Pubblicato in |
Anno |
Designing urban green blue infrastructure for mental health and elderly wellbeing |
2019 |
Restorative Design and Inclusive Networks in the Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion: Evidence and Perspectives from 'Torre del Cerrano' Marine Protected Area |
Fragile Territories. Landscapes_Cities_Architecture |
2019 |
Enhancing Societie's Resilience. Exploring a Range of Green Infrastructure Value Domains in a Multi-Stakeholders Perspective |
2019 |
Valutare costi e benefici ambientali e sociali dei parchi urbani. Un caso studio a Roma |
2019 |
Linking future energy systems with heritage requalification in smart cities. On-going research and experimentation in the city of Trento |
2018 |
Riqualificazione architettonica e riconnessioni socio-ecologiche per la rigenerazione urbana. Il caso della città di Velletri. Architectural requalification and social ecological reconnections for urban regeneration. The city of Velletri case study |
Urbanistica online Dossier Costruire lo spazio pubblico. Tra storia, cultura e natura Building the public space. Between history, culture and nature |
2018 |
Heritage & Water. Symbols and challenges in the works of Carlo Scarpa |
Water as Hazard and Water as Heritage |
2018 |
Adaptive design through nature-based technologies and solutions: an innovative process characterising urban regeneration |
Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety |
2018 |
Urban regeneration and socio-ecological systems: rethinking purpose through the Green Infrastructure approach |
Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety |
2018 |
Assessing urban green & blue spaces for human mental health and well-being |
Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety |
2018 |
Multilevel Green Governance in Lyon |
Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety |
2018 |
River management: an opportunity to implement landscape policies |
Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety |
2018 |
Reconciling Natural Capitalism and the Experience Economy Through The Green Infrastructure Approach |
Landscapes of Conflict |
2018 |
Economic valuation of urban green infrastructure. Principles and evidence |
Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment |
2018 |
Patrimonio Industriale e Naturale. Riqualificazione della ex-fabbrica LEO, Roma |
2018 |
Progettare Green Infrastructure. Tecnologie, valori e strumenti per la resilienza urbana |
2017 |
Boeri Studio Bosco Verticale. Boeri Studio Vertical Forest |
2017 |
Esperienze di riqualificazione tecnologica ambientale di aree industriali dismesse |
2017 |
Growing the Urban Forest: our Practitioners' perspective |
The Urban Forest. Cultivating Green Infrastructure for People and the Environment |
2017 |
Orti_Giardini_Parchi. I nuovi Paesaggi |
I Materiali del Moderno. Campo, temi e modi del progetto di riqualificazione |
2017 |