Maria Beatrice Andreucci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Designing urban green blue infrastructure for mental health and elderly wellbeing SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Restorative Design and Inclusive Networks in the Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion: Evidence and Perspectives from 'Torre del Cerrano' Marine Protected Area Fragile Territories. Landscapes_Cities_Architecture 2019
Enhancing Societie's Resilience. Exploring a Range of Green Infrastructure Value Domains in a Multi-Stakeholders Perspective KİYE PEYZAJLARI 3. ULUSAL KONFERANSI YEŞİL ALTYAPI-GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE 2019
Valutare costi e benefici ambientali e sociali dei parchi urbani. Un caso studio a Roma PALLADIO 2019
Linking future energy systems with heritage requalification in smart cities. On-going research and experimentation in the city of Trento TECHNE 2018
Riqualificazione architettonica e riconnessioni socio-ecologiche per la rigenerazione urbana. Il caso della città di Velletri. Architectural requalification and social ecological reconnections for urban regeneration. The city of Velletri case study Urbanistica online Dossier Costruire lo spazio pubblico. Tra storia, cultura e natura Building the public space. Between history, culture and nature 2018
Heritage & Water. Symbols and challenges in the works of Carlo Scarpa Water as Hazard and Water as Heritage 2018
Adaptive design through nature-based technologies and solutions: an innovative process characterising urban regeneration Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety 2018
Urban regeneration and socio-ecological systems: rethinking purpose through the Green Infrastructure approach Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety 2018
Assessing urban green & blue spaces for human mental health and well-being Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety 2018
Multilevel Green Governance in Lyon Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety 2018
River management: an opportunity to implement landscape policies Healthy Landscapes: green, regeneration, safety 2018
Reconciling Natural Capitalism and the Experience Economy Through The Green Infrastructure Approach Landscapes of Conflict 2018
Economic valuation of urban green infrastructure. Principles and evidence Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment 2018
Patrimonio Industriale e Naturale. Riqualificazione della ex-fabbrica LEO, Roma 2018
Progettare Green Infrastructure. Tecnologie, valori e strumenti per la resilienza urbana 2017
Boeri Studio Bosco Verticale. Boeri Studio Vertical Forest ABITARE LA TERRA 2017
Esperienze di riqualificazione tecnologica ambientale di aree industriali dismesse URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2017
Growing the Urban Forest: our Practitioners' perspective The Urban Forest. Cultivating Green Infrastructure for People and the Environment 2017
Orti_Giardini_Parchi. I nuovi Paesaggi I Materiali del Moderno. Campo, temi e modi del progetto di riqualificazione 2017

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