Maria Beatrice Andreucci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Capitali per una Green Economy in architettura e urbanistica. Proteggere il Capitale Naturale e gli ecosistemi ambientali. Capitals for a Green Economy in Architecture and Urban Planning. Protecting the Natural Capital and the Urban Ecosystems Architettura, Città e Territorio verso la Green Economy. Architecture, City and Territory towards a Green Economy 2017
Infrastrutture verdi: il parco del centro culturale Elsa Morante a Roma Qualità dell'ambiente urbano - XIII rapporto (2017) ISPRA dell'ambiente 74/17 2017
Branding The Urban Forest. Recent experiences in the City of Milan Creation / Reaction 2017
Green Infrastructure as emerging opportunities for inclusiveness. Complexity and dynamics in Munich northern region Spaces of dialog for places of dignity 2017
Improving the design and environmental effectiveness of woodlands for water Payments for Ecosystem Services RESEARCH IDEAS AND OUTCOMES 2017
Towards adaptive urban design. International evidence in theory, practice and policy Challenges of the Anthropocene and the role of Landscape Ecology 2016
Enhancing heritage landscape performance through multifunctional designed ecologies. Lessons from Florence Bridging the Gap 2016
Valuing Victoria Business Improvement District's Urban Forest - a comparison of methodologies Urban Forests for Resilient Cities 2016
Traditional Knowledge across centuries: the requalification project of Saxa Rubra in Rome (I) Heritage and Landscape as Human Values - Sustainability through traditional knowledge 2015
Progressing Green Infrastructure. traditional knowledge and new frontiers for rural landscape's survival Quaderni Planning Design Technology 2015
Ritrovare la strada. Via delle Sette Chiese, Roma ARCHITETTURA DEL PAESAGGIO 2015
Towards 2025: developing a Sino-European approach to teaching sustainable landscape urbanism Landscapes in Flux 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma