Clelia Matilde Rossi Arnaud


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Deconstructing reorienting of attention: Cue predictiveness modulates the inhibition of the no-target side and the hemispheric distribution of the P1 response to invalid targets JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2020
Spatial uncertainty improves the distribution of visual attention and the availability of sensory information for conscious report EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2020
The attentional boost effect enhances the recognition of bound features in short-term memory MEMORY 2020
Collaborative remembering reduces suggestibility: A study with the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale MEMORY 2019
Italian norms for the spontaneous completion of three-letter word stems. A preliminary study CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2019
The Attentional-SNARC effect 16 years later: no automatic space–number association (taking into account finger counting style, imagery vividness, and learning style in 174 participants) EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2019
Direct and indirect associations of empathy, theory of mind, and language with prosocial behavior: gender differences in primary school children THE JOURNAL OF GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Fear memory-induced alterations in the mRNA expression of G proteins in the mouse brain and the impact of immediate posttraining treatment with morphine PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 2019
The effect of emotional valence and arousal on visuo-spatial working memory: incidental emotional learning and memory for object-location FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Not all identification tasks are born equal: testing the involvement of production processes in perceptual identification and lexical decision PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2018
Divided attention enhances the recognition of emotional stimuli. Evidence from the attentional boost effect MEMORY 2018
When divided attention fails to enhance memory encoding. The attentional boost effect is eliminated in young-old adults PSYCHOLOGY AND AGING 2018
Older adults benefit from symmetry, but not semantic availability, in visual working memory FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Effects of stereotype threat and prior task success on older adults’ eyewitness memory JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN MEMORY AND COGNITION 2018
Collaboration in implicit memory. Evidence from word-fragment completion and category exemplar generation PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2017
Divided attention enhances explicit but not implicit conceptual memory. An item-specific account of the attentional boost effect MEMORY 2017
Are belief-based justifications associated with metalinguistic awareness? A cross-sectional study in school-age children INFANT AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT 2017
Pointing movements both impair and improve visuospatial working memory depending on serial position MEMORY & COGNITION 2017
Implicit versus explicit memory Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference 2017
Accuracy and completeness in children's testimony. Relationships with working memory RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2017

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