Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Education and Power: Shakespeare, Florio and the Basilikon Doron, | 2017 | |
Stylistics goes Historical. Current Trends and Practices in Historical Stylistics. Introduction | STATUS QUAESTIONIS | 2017 |
Stylistics goes Historical. Current Trends and Practices in Historical Stylistics- Status Quaestionis. Language, Text, Culture. Language Issue 2017 | STATUS QUAESTIONIS | 2017 |
Didattica della lingua e mise-en-page nei dialoghi anglo-italiani di John Florio | Lingue europee a confronto: la linguistica contrastiva tra teoria, traduzione e didattica | 2016 |
Recensione al volume: R. Salvi & J. Bowker (eds) The Dissemination of Contemporary Knowledge in English. Genres, discourse strategies and professional practices. Bern, Peter Lang, 2015, | ANNALI DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI METODI E MODELLI PER L'ECONOMIA, IL TERRITORIO E LA FINANZA .... | 2016 |
John Florio and Shakespeare: Life and Language | MEMORIA DI SHAKESPEARE | 2015 |
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