Annalisa Cusi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Students’ use of digital scaffolding at University level: emergence of utilization schemes Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching – ICTMT 14 2020
PROMOTING FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN MATHEMATICS TEACHER EDUCATION: AN EXPERIENCE OF DISTANCE TEACHING Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cognition and exploratory learning in the digital age (CELDA 2020) 2020
Re-design of digital tasks: the role of automatic and expert scaffolding at university level Proceedings of the 10th ERME Topic Conference "Mathematics Education in the Digital Age" (MEDA) 2020
Le dimostrazioni senza parole: quale ruolo possono svolgere in un approccio mirato a favorire lo sviluppo di consapevolezze circa il senso dell’attività dimostrativa?, Didattica della matematica, disciplina scientifica per una scuola efficace 2020
The role of the teacher in fostering students’ evolution across different layers of generalization by means of argumentation RECME-Revista Colombiana de Matemática Educativa 2020
L’argomentazione riflessiva come strumento a supporto dei processi di valutazione formativa: il ruolo fondamentale del docente DIDATTICA DELLA MATEMATICA 2020
Precision Mathematics and Approximation Mathematics: The Conceptual and Educational Role of Their Comparison The Legacy of Felix Klein 2019
The Use of Polls to Enhance Formative Assessment Processes in Mathematics Classroom Discussions. Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Selected Papers of the 13th ICTMT Conference 2019
Boundary objects in mathematics education and their role across communities of teachers and researchers in interaction International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education (second edition). Volume 3 2019
Task design fostering construction of limit confirming examples as means of argumentation Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019
The role of formative assessment in fostering individualized teaching at university level Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019
Formative assessment. A critical component in the teaching-learning process Classroom assessment in mathematics. Perspectives from around the globe 2018
Looking to the future: lessons learned and ideas for further research Classroom assessment in mathematics. Perspectives from around the globe 2018
The use of digital technologies to enhance formative assessment processes 2018
Linking theory and practice: prospective teachers creating fictional classroom discussions Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2) 2018
Promoting formative assessment in a connected classroom environment: design and implementation of digital resources ZDM – THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICS EDUCATION 2017
Formative assessment and technology; reflections developed through the collaboration between teachers and researchers Mathematics and technology. A C.I.E.A.E.M. sourcebook 2017
Promuovere strategie di valutazione formativa in matematica con le nuove tecnologie: l’esperienza del progetto FaSMEd ANNALI ONLINE... DELLA DIDATTICA E DELLA FORMAZIONE DOCENTE 2017
Enhancing formative assessment in mathematical class discussion: a matter of feedback Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2017
Il ruolo dell’insegnante nell’ambito di una didattica dell’algebra come strumento per ragionare: lenti teoriche per l’analisi. L'INSEGNAMENTO DELLA MATEMATICA E DELLE SCIENZE INTEGRATE 2017

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