Cristina Simone


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Implementing the monitoring breakdown structure: native lichens as biomonitors of element deposition in the southern Patagonian forest connected with the Puyehue volcano event in 2011-a 6-year survey (2006-2012) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2020
Le industry platforms: dalla nascita alla strategia degli ologrammi CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 2020
Rome was not built in a day. Resilience and the eternal city: Insights for urban management CITIES 2020
Funzione e ruolo delle organizzazioni imprenditoriali: il contributo dell’approccio sistemico vitale. Contributi in onore di Gaetano Maria Golinelli, Sezione 5 (Approccio Sistemico Vitale) 2020
La bioregione. Un nuovo modello di resilienza urbana RIVISTA DI STUDI MANAGERIALI 2020
Una blockchain europea per la gestione dei fondi strutturali europei. Dallo scenario attuale ad una proposta implementativa CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 2020
Performance of two Patagonian molluscs as trace metal biomonitors: The overlap bioaccumulation index (OBI) as an integrative tool for the management of marine ecosystems ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2019
Managing complexity of marine ecosystems. From the monitoring breakdown structure (MBS) to the baseline assessment. Trace metal concentrations in biomonitors of the Beagle Channel, Patagonia (2005–2012) ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2019
Smart cities: are they really sustainable? (Chapter 1) Happiness management and creativity in the XXI century: intangible capitals as a source of innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development, Ed. Comares, Granada, Spain 2019
From creativity to innovation by knowledge re-combining. The case of an Italian food company (Chapter 10) Happiness management: A lighthouse for social wellbeing, creativity and sustainability 2019
Firm, territory and local community: lessons learned from the Olivetti’s model IL CAPITALE CULTURALE 2019
Industria 4.0. Tra suggestioni emergenti e soluzioni effettive 2019
Industria 4.0 e capacità T-shaped: tra labirinti rizomatici, ambidestrismo e suggestione frattale Industria 4.0 Tra suggestioni emergenti e soluzioni effettive 2019
I musei nell’era del paradigma 4.0: approcci emergenti alla trasformazione digitale Industria 4.0 Tra suggestioni emergenti e soluzioni effettive 2019
Prefazione Industria 4.0 Tra suggestioni emergenti e soluzioni effettive 2019
Understanding the change of the socio-economic complex systems: the conceptual category of TimeSpace Il fascino della precarietà. Studi sull'evoluzionismo sistemico 2019
Can the viable systems approach represent a lens to interpret barriers and enablers to the integration of sustainability? Evidence from an empirical experience 2019
Surfing the complex interaction between new technology and norms: a resistance or resilience issue? insights by the viable system approach (VSA) ACTA EUROPEANA SYSTEMICA 2019
La modellizzazione dei progetti come Complex Adaptative Systems (CAS). Il contributo della System Dynamics Il fascino della precarietà. Studi sull’evoluzionismo sistemico 2019
Innovation between redundancy and vicariance: the rising need for a culture of variety Cybernetics and systems. Social and business decisions 2018

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