Maria Vernuccio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The perceptual antecedents of brand anthropomorphism in the name‑brand voice assistant context JOURNAL OF BRAND MANAGEMENT 2022
Challenges in Marketing Communications during the COVID-19 Pandemic: insights from Tourism and Hospitality Managers TOURISM 2022
“Ok, Google!” are my data safe? The mediated effect of perceived privacy risk on brand trust Proceedings of 20th International Marketing Trends Conference 2021 Venice, ed. Jean-Claude Andreani and Umberto Collesei, Paris-Venice Marketing Trends Association 2021
Managerial and Organizational Perspectives on Online-Offline Integration within Integrated Marketing Communication: Toward a Holistic Conceptual Framework INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING 2021
Interacting with voice-based artificial intelligence technologies: user perceptions of the dark side and the bright side Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 50th 2021
Benefici e rischi nell’interazione con gli assistenti vocali. Un’indagine esplorativa in Italia Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice. Extended Abstracts. 2021
“Hey, voice assistant!” How do users perceive you? An exploratory study SINERGIE 2021
Talking to Voice Assistants: Exploring Negative and Positive Users’ Perceptions Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. Second International Conference, 2021 2021
Gli strumenti della comunicazione di marketing Marketing. Il management orientato al mercato 2021
Gli obiettivi e le metriche Marketing. Il management orientato al mercato 2021
Who Is a Digital Agency? Delving into the Value Proposition Digital Marketing & eCommerce Conference 2021
Non chiamatele solo agenzie digitali! Un’analisi empirica sui “nuovi attori” della comunicazione Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice 2021
Delving into brand anthropomorphisation strategies in the experiential context of name-brand voice assistants JOURNAL OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR 2021
The failure of COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A psychological reactance theoretical perspective Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy 2021
Brand anthropomorphisation and brand voice: the role of the name-brand voice assistant Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce 2020
In-store technologies e millennials italiani: quale impatto sull’esperienza nel punto vendita e sulla fedeltà all’insegna? Contributi in onore di Gaetano Maria Golinelli 2020
Gli assistenti vocali agli occhi dei millennials: un’indagine esplorativa Grand challenges: companies and universities working for a better society. Extended Abstract 2020
Developing voice-based branding: insights from the Mercedes case THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT & BRAND MANAGEMENT 2020
Trasformazione digitale ed evoluzione dei business model delle agenzie tradizionali in Italia: un'analisi esplorativa sui professionisti della comunicazione Proceedings XVII Sim conference. Il Marketing per una società migliore 2020
The impact of IMC consistency and interactivity on city reputation and consumer brand engagement. The moderating effects of gender CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM 2019


  • SH1_10
  • SH1_11

Interessi di ricerca

Digital and Social Media Marketing, Branding, Corporate and Marketing communication, Artificial intelligence and Marketing


Integrated Marketing Communication
digital revolution
Brand communication management
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Social Media Strategy
brand identity
Brand personality
Brand Equity
brand image
consumer-brand engagement
consumer behaviour

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma