Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Creative crowdsourcing e dinamiche relazionali nella comunicazione di marketing. Il caso del network di Zooppa | Management in a Digital World. Decisions, Production, CommunicationSINERGIE | 2016 |
Rivoluzione digitale versus evoluzione del branding | Marketing & Retail nei mercati che cambiano | 2016 |
Consumer-brand engagement. Delving into the managerial perspectives | Marketing in the age of data | 2016 |
Online and offline integration in marketing communication. Delving into the business perspective | Collaboration in research | 2015 |
Strategic and organisational challenges in the integrated marketing communication paradigm shift: A holistic vision | EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL | 2015 |
Antecendents of brand love in online network-based communities. A social identity perspective | THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT & BRAND MANAGEMENT | 2015 |
Le imprese e il social commerce: opportunità e sfide manageriali | MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ | 2015 |
Digital and Social Media Marketing, Branding, Corporate and Marketing communication, Artificial intelligence and Marketing
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