Maria Antonietta Casadei


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
From surface to core modification: development of gel-in-liposome hybrid systems nanomedine book of abstract 2016
Protection and viability of fruit seeds oils by nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) nanosuspensions JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 2016
Emerging trends in liposome design. MITO. Un viaggio tra liposomi e polisaccaridi-A journey through liposomes and polysaccharides. Ediz. bilingue MITO. Un viaggio tra liposomi e polisaccaridi 2016
Thin film technology: new opportunity for buccal controlled delivery. MITO. Un viaggio tra liposomi e polisaccaridi-A journey through liposomes and polysaccharides. Ediz. bilingue MITO. Un viaggio tra liposomi e polisaccaridi 2016
Injectable and photocross-linkable gels based on gellan gum methacrylate: a new tool for biomedical application INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 2015
Exploring drug release from magnetic nanocarriers by low level magnetic stimulation European Conference on Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery abstractbook 2015
Hydrogels of carboxymethyl scleroglucan: a smart biocompatible system for topical formulations European Meeting on Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery- abstractbook 2015
In-vitro dissolution testing of oral thin films (OTFs): theory and experiments ORAL PRESENTATION European Meeting on Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery- abstractbook 2015
Infant milk formulas: effect of storage conditions on the stability of powdered products towards autoxidation FOODS 2015
New biodegradable dextran-​based hydrogels for protein delivery: Synthesis and characterization CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 2015


  • PE5
  • PE5_4
  • PE5_7
  • PE5_8


  • Nanotecnologie
  • Advanced materials
  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

The research activity of the Laboratory of Bio-Inspired Devices for Technology, coordinated by me, is focused on the development of new polymer- and/or lipid-based systems for biomedical or pharmaceutical applications. The main research lines are: 1) Synthesis and characterization of novel biopolymers and matrices for application as modified drug delivery systems or as scaffold for tissue engineering


2) Synthesis and characterization of biopolymers to employ in three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting


3) Design and development of polymeric thin films for drug delivery


4) Design and development of hybrid drug delivery systems, such as Gel-in.Liposomes (GiL) systems, innovative liposomes with a gelled core


5) Design and development of stimuli responsive nano-systems for "on demand" drug release




© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma