Sara Miccoli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Perceptions of Migration During the Pandemic: What Twitter Data Tell Us? MIGRATION LETTERS 2023
COVID-19 and Local Mortality Estimates Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics 2023
The impact of the L'Aquila earthquake on demographic changes POPULATION SPACE & PLACE 2023
EU-border crisis on Twitter: sentiments and misinformation analysis Book of the Short Papers 2023
Africa. Migrations Between Perceptions and Data Production in the Long Run THE JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC HISTORY 2021
Lo spopolamento in Italia di ieri e di oggi GIORNALE DI STORIA 2021
Local mortality estimates during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS 2021
Was there a COVID-19 harvesting effect in Northern Italy? REGIONS BETWEEN CHALLENGES AND UNEXPECTED OPPORTUNITIES 2021
The spatial diffusion of fertility decline in Egypt (1950–2006) GENUS 2021
Territory and population: demographic trend of the metropolitan city of Rome RIVISTA ITALIANA DI ECONOMIA, DEMOGRAFIA E STATISTICA 2021
La crescita che non c’è: spopolamento e invecchiamento nelle aree terremotate. EYESREG 2020
Unravelling a demographic 'Mosaic': Spatial patterns and contextual factors of depopulation in Italian Municipalities, 1981–2011 ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2020
Review of How Population Change Will Transform Our World by Sarah Harper GENUS 2020
Spatial variability of total fertility rate and crude birth rate in a low-fertility country: Patterns and trends in regional and local scale heterogeneity across Italy, 2002–2018 APPLIED GEOGRAPHY 2020
Population ageing in Italy after the 2008 economic crisis: A demographic approach FUTURES 2019
The impact of earthquakes on demographic changes in Italy. A comparison between L’Aquila and the Emilia Romagna’s cases Proceedings of the GRASPA 2019 Conference 2019
Population ageing in Italy: an empirical analysis of change in the ageing index across space and time SPATIAL DEMOGRAPHY 2018
Mezzogiorno: l’invecchiamento della popolazione è sostenibile? ECONOMIA E POLITICA 2018
Depopulation and the Aging Population: The Relationship in Italian Municipalities SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Lo spopolamento nei comuni italiani: un fenomeno ancora rilevante EYESREG 2018

Interessi di ricerca

Fecondità, invecchiamento, migrazioni, determinanti demografiche e sociali dell’invecchiamento, spopolamento, analisi spaziale e territoriale dei fenomeni demografici

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma