Duilio Iamonico


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Nomenclatural notes on Fabaceae described from Sicily PHYTOTAXA 2021
Linnaean names in the tribe Malveae for North and Central American Floras JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY 2021
First record of a naturalized population of the tropical Colocasia esculenta (Araceae) in Italy, and clarifications about its occurrence in southeastern Europe ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA 2021
Nomenclatural synopsis of Cirsium sect. Eriolepis (Asteraceae) in Italy PLANTS 2021
Alternanthera indica (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Kerala (India) PHYTOTAXA 2021
Amaranthus powellii (Amaranthaceae), a new addition for the flora of India and a preliminary list of the Indian Amaranthus species HACQUETIA 2021
(078) Proposal to add a new Example on an indirect reference after Article 38.14 TAXON 2021
Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 6. Names linked to the Australian flora AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 2020
Amaranthus rajasekharii (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Kerala (SW-India) PHYTOTAXA 2020
Typification of the name Edraianthus siculus (Campanulaceae), endemic species from S-Italy PHYTOTAXA 2020
Typification of the names Epilobium lanceolatum, Lotus requienii, Orchis romana, and Romulea columnae described from Rome (Italy) PHYTOTAXA 2020
A new species of Cochemiea (Cactaceae, Cacteae) from Sinaloa, Mexico ACTA BOTANICA MEXICANA 2020
Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 12 WILLDENOWIA 2020
The taxonomic position of Silene multinervia (Caryophyllaceae), endemic to California and northwestern Mexico, and description of section Californicae, sect. nov. RHODORA 2020
Nomenclatural survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 11. Dioecious Amaranthus species belonging to the sect. Saueranthus DARWINIANA 2020
Mammillaria breviplumosa (Cactaceae, Cacteae), a new species from Mexico PHYTOTAXA 2020
Italian alien species in Caryophyllaceae. Nomenclatural remarks PHYTOTAXA 2020
Taxonomic investigations on Malva cretica s.l. (Malvaceae) ANALES DEL JARDÍN BOTÁNICO DE MADRID 2020
A nomenclatural survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) 10. What is Amaranhus commutatus? THAISZIA 2020
A nomenclatural survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) 9: names published by Roxburgh TAIWANIA 2020

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma