Duilio Iamonico


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Italy PHYTOTAXA 2015
A new nomenclatural change in Polycarpon (Caryophyllaceae): P. tetraphyllum subsp. sauvagei comb. & stat. nov., an endemic taxon from Morocco PHYTOTAXA 2015
Taxonomic revision of the genus Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) in Italy PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2015
Lectotypification of the name Polycnemum majus (Amaranthaceae s.str.) PHYTOTAXA 2015
Amaranthus palmeri S.Watson WILLDENOWIA 2015
Polycarpon tetraphyllum subsp. dunense (P.Fraga & Rosseló) Iamonico, comb. et stat. nov. WILLDENOWIA 2015
(2360) Proposal to reject the name Chenopodium caudatum (Amaranthaceae / Chenopodiaceae) TAXON 2015
Nomenclatural notes on the genus Pteranthus (Caryophyllaceae) with lectotypifications of the names Camphorosma pteranthus and Pteranthus trigynus, and comments on Forsskål’s seeds sent from Egypt TAXON 2015
Typification of Linnaean names in the genus Vitis (Vitaceae) TAXON 2015
Taxonomic reexamination of portulaca boninensis (Portulacaceae) in the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands of Japan using molecular and morphological data PHYTOTAXA 2015
A new combination and change in rank in Polycarpon (Caryophyllaceae), endemic to California, U.S.A., and Mexico NOVON 2015
Nomenclatural notes on the Polycarpon tetraphyllum aggregate (Caryophyllaceae) PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2015
Senecio pterophorus is an heterotypic synonym of S. grisebachii: Nomenclatural study of the names, morphological notes, and chorology PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2015
Lectotypification of the Linnaean names Arnica montana, A. montana var. alpina and A. gerbera (Asteraceae) TAXON 2015
Typification of the linnaean name bignonia peruviana (Vitaceae) PHYTOTAXA 2015
Lectotypification of the linnaean name Linum campanulatum (Linaceae) PHYTOTAXA 2015
Typification of the Linnaean name Doronicum bellidiastrum (Asteraceae) TAXON 2015
(2401) Proposal to conserve the name Dianthus crassipes against D. ferrugineus (Caryophyllaceae) TAXON 2015
Malva stenopetala subsp. plazzae (Atzei) Iamonico, Bartolucci & Peruzzi, comb. nov. WILLDENOWIA 2015
Adenostyles australis (Ten.) Iamonico & Pignatti, , comb. nov. WILLDENOWIA 2015

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