Laura Sadori


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The recent evolution of the salt marsh ‘Pantano Grande’ (NE Sicily, Italy). Interplay between natural and human activity over the last 3700 years JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE 2024
Exploring human-plant interactions in central Italy over the centuries: Compiling and comparing published and unpublished archaeobotanical records IPC-IOPC 2024: Abstract Book XV International Palynological Congress & XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference, 27–31 May 2024, Prague, Czech Republic 2024
New evidence for food in the Late-Medieval Balkans. Archaeobotany of Venetian houses at Butrint in southern Albania VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY 2024
A novel, continuous high-resolution palaeoecological record from central Italy suggests comparable land-use dynamics in Southern and Central Europe during the Neolithic THE HOLOCENE 2024
The Establishment of the Agricultural Landscape of Central Sicily Between the Middle Neolithic and the Beginning of the Iron Age HUMAN ECOLOGY 2024
Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre. A preliminary report LIBER ANNUUS 2023
NYMPHA - Microalgae polysaccharides for cultural heritage preservation TMM-CH 2023 3rd International Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture promoting mutual understanding and Peace 2023
The geodynamic and limnological evolution of Balkan Lake Ohrid, possibly the oldest extant lake in Europe BOREAS 2023
Applying gel-supported liquid extraction to Tutankhamun’s textiles for the Identification of ancient colorants. A case study GELS 2023
One Man’s Trash Is Someone Else’s Treasure: Plant Remains From The Tomb Of The Pharaoh Tutankhamun 10th International Workshop for African Archaeobotany In Paris, France 2023
Evaluation of the efficacy of micro-magnetic resonance Imaging compared with light microscopy to investigate the anatomy of modern and ancient waterlogged wood MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING 2023
Neanderthal bones collected by hyena at Grotta Guattari, central Italy, 66–65 ka: U/Th chronology and paleoenvironmental setting QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 2023
Carpological analysis of a Roman well at the site of Alba Fucens (Abruzzi, Italy) 118° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana - IX International Plant Science Conference 2023
Human-environment interactions at the central Mediterranean site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) XXI Congress: Time for Change - Book of Abstracts 2023
Climatic and hydrological impacts on a coastal subsiding plain: The case of Sybaris Plain XXI INQUA congress time for change 2023
An Environmental and Climate History of the Roman Expansion in Italy JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY 2023
Landscape evolution in Central Macedonia (Greece) during the last two millennia 21st Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research 2023
The high potential of micro-magnetic resonance imaging for the identification of archaeological reeds. The case study of Tutankhamun HERITAGE 2023
Pollen Records, Postglacial | Southern Europe Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences 2023
Anthracological study of a Chalcolithic funerary deposit from Perdigões (Alentejo, Portugal). A new analytical methodology to establish the wood burning temperature PLOS ONE 2023


  • SH7_6
  • PE10_6
  • LS8_9

Interessi di ricerca

  • ricostruzioni paleoambientali e paleoclimatiche nel bacino del mediterraneo
  • valutazione dell’impatto antropico e delle modifiche indotte dal clima sull'ambiente del passato


Mediterranean climate Holocene pollen analysis
Holocene sediment

Laboratori di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma