Manuel Sergi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Determination of Free Fatty Acids in Cheese by Means of Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Followed by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS 2018
Crocins pattern in saffron detected by UHPLC-MS/MS as marker of quality, process and traceability FOOD CHEMISTRY 2018
Analysis of Polyphenols in the Lamiaceae Family by Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Extraction Followed by Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Determination ACS OMEGA 2018
Predizione in silico e incubazione in vitro con epatociti nella determinazione del profilo metabolico tramite uhplc-hrms: il caso della bromo-dragonfly 1° workshop “La Chimica Analitica Forense” 2018
Extraction and identification of oxysterols in bovine semen by spe-uhplc-apci-ms/ms 6 MSJDay 2018
Multi-class analysis of new psychoactive substances and metabolites in hair by pressurized liquid extraction coupled to HPLC-HRMS DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS 2017
The effectiveness of negative pressure therapy on infected wounds: Preliminary results INTERNATIONAL WOUND JOURNAL 2017
Identification of MT-45 metabolites: in silico prediction, in vitro incubation with rat hepatocytes and in vivo confirmation JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL TOXICOLOGY 2017
Application of a rapid μ-SPE clean-up for multiclass quantitative analysis of sixteen new psychoactive substances in whole blood by LC–MS/MS TALANTA 2017
Determination of pesticides in wheat flour using microextraction on packed sorbent coupled to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS 2017
Selective solid phase extraction of JWH synthetic cannabinoids by using computationally designed peptides TALANTA 2017
Pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin administered via intravenous regional limb perfusion in dairy cows: evaluation of two different tourniquets VETERINARY RECORD OPEN 2017
Chenopodium quinoa Willd phenolic profile identification by means of UHPLC-ESI-MS/M 5th MS Food Day 2017
MIP-MEPS based sensing strategy for the selective assay of dimethoate. Application to wheat flour samples TALANTA 2017
Press-transferred carbon black nanoparticles for class-selective antioxidant electrochemical detection APPLIED MATERIALS TODAY 2017
Micro-solid-phase extraction (µ-SPE) of organophosphorous pesticides from wheat followed by LC-MS/MS determination FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS. PART A. CHEMISTRY, ANALYSIS, CONTROL, EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT 2016
Broad screening and identification of novel psychoactive substances in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry and post-run library matching JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL TOXICOLOGY 2016
NAADP-dependent Ca2+ signaling controls melanoma progression, metastatic dissemination and neoangiogenesis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Studio ed identificazione dei coloranti fenossazonici. Caso studio: abito di una nobildonna siciliana del XIX secolo come primo esempio della commistione di coloranti naturali e sintetici Le frontiere della Chimica nel nuovo millenio 2016
Determination of marbofloxacin in plasma and synovial fluid by ultrafiltration followed by HPLC-MS/MS JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS 2016

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