Guido Alessandri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Double dissociation between the neural correlates of the general and specific factors of the Life Orientation Test-Revised COGNITIVE, AFFECTIVE & BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 2017
Vivere senza un lavoro. Positività e salute psicofisica in un campione di disoccupati GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA 2017
Individual differences in personality associated with aggressive behavior among adolescents referred for externalizing behavior problems JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 2017
Test PeRS 2017
Resilient, Undercontrolled, and Overcontrolled Personality Types across Cultures The Praeger handbook of personality across cultures: Culture and characteristic adaptations 2017
The role of ego-resiliency as mediator of the longitudinal relationship between family socio-economic status and school grades JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE 2017
Promoting aging well: evaluation of Vital-Aging-Multimedia Program in Madrid, Spain HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL 2016
Measuring parental and family efficacy beliefs of adolescents’ parents. Cross-cultural comparisons in Italy and Portugal INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Being positive despite illness: the contribution of positivity to the quality of life of cancer patients PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 2016
Job crafting and job performance: the role of self-efficacy 2016
The relation of pro-sociality to self-esteem. The mediational role of quality of friendships JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY 2016
Evaluating the temporal structure and correlates of daily self-esteem using a trait sate error framework SELF AND IDENTITY 2016
Ego-resiliency development from late adolescence to emerging adulthood. A ten-year longitudinal study JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE 2016
On the applicability of the Big Five Implicit Association Test in organizational settings CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Le capacità agentiche come chiave per lo sviluppo del capitale psicologico e della performance di successo 2016
Capitale psicologico e successo di carriera soggettivo e oggettivo: il ruolo di mediazione longitudinale del job crafting 2016
Reciprocal relations across time between basic values and value-expressive behaviors: a longitudinal study among children SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2016
Stability and change of basic personal values in early adulthood. An 8-year longitudinal study JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY 2016
TPC - Turning Potentials into Capacities: Manuale del test TPC - Turning Potentials into Capacities: Manuale del test 2016
Tracking job performance trajectories over time. A sixyear longitudinal study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 2015

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