Vincenzo Maselli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Paisajes animados como remediación y premediación: ciudades cíborgs y mundos virtuales en los anime japoneses CON A DE ANIMACIÓN 2021
Tassonomia ibrida, sconfinamenti disciplinari e ontologia dinamica: Le dimensioni del motion design tra ricerca, didattica e professione Confini e contesti. La doppia prospettiva della ricerca in design 2021
Abstract to figurative, and everything in between: visual design approaches and linguistic codes of a traditional form of animated product Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2 2021
Animated Puppet Skin Design: Material Narratives in Visually Experienced Objects Materials Experience 2. Expanding Territories of Materials and Design 2021
Teaching through Motion Design and Transmedia Storytelling. An Integrated Approach to a Critical Evaluation Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica “Reinventing Education”. Learning with New Technologies, Equality and Inclusion 2021
Pietre dinamiche. Esperienze virtuali dei manufatti lapidei tra passato e futuro MD JOURNAL 2021
SOCIALITÀ DIGITALE E COVID-19. Service Design per l’analisi del coinvolgimento emotivo nella città digitale AGATHÓN 2021
Incoming/Outgoing. Flussi trans e multiculturali nel design contemporaneo. OP. CIT. 2020
Mai più solo, mai più annoiato. Il gaming nello spatial design contemporaneo ANANKE 2020
A Design Perspective on Animated Puppets’ Materiality. How Design can Provide New Interpretation Tools in the Analysis of Animated Puppet Films ATINER'S Conference Paper Series 2020
Anatomy of a puppet. Design driven categories for animated puppets' skin 2020
Waste-no-Taste: animated video recipes to prevent domestic food waste Creative Food Cycles _ Book 1 2020
The “Animated Empire” of Post-modern Heroes: Japanese Anime on Italian TV in the Late 70s THE JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES 2020
African Design Wave. Paradigmi estetici, materici e identità di un Sud glocale QUAD 2020
“Three, two, one… link start”. Prefigurare universi virtuali attraverso artefatti audiovisivi Design in the Digital Age. Technology, Nature, Culture 2020
RETHINKING THE FRAME. Artigianato, tecnologia e Kinetic devices al servizio del Cultural Heritage AND 2020
Performance of Puppets’ Skin Material: The Metadiegetic Narrative Level of Animated Puppets’ Material Surface THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VISUAL DESIGN 2019
Maghette, fancy idols e campioni olimpici. Gli anime giapponesi nella TV per ragazzi dell’Italia degli anni ’80 ZONEMODA JOURNAL 2019
A Design Perspective on Animated Puppets‟ Materiality. How Design can Provide new Interpretation Tools in the Analysis of Animated Puppets Films Abstract Book. 10th Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts 10-13 June 2019, Athens, Greece 2019
Progettare come ricerca. La ricerca attraverso gli strumenti del motion design AND 2019

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